School Counseling


    Welcome to the EMCS Counseling Website!

    We believe that children and youth learn best when they are given the opportunity to increase self-awareness and develop those life skills that contribute to an understanding and utilization of self in all life experiences. This approach to school counseling is sequential and flexible, involves all school personnel, and helps students learn more effectively and efficiently.
    The comprehensive school counseling program consists of individual counseling, small group counseling, classroom guidance, and parent/teacher consultations. We are committed to helping every student gain the necessary mindsets and behaviors within three important domains: academic, personal/social, and career.

    Follow us on Twitter @ECMSCounseling
    Mrs Gray
    6th Grade Counselor
    Phone: (561) 803-8015

    Mrs. Leatherman
    Guidance Dept. Coordinator
    7th Grade Counselor
    Phone: (561) 803-8009

    Ms. Skyler
    8th Grade Counselor
    Phone: (561) 803-8008

    Coffee With the Counselors
    Please join us for in-depth discussions on healthy strategies for helping your child navigate middle school. Please visit the Coffee With the Counselors page for dates and time.
    School Programs
    Palm Beach Virtual
    Choice Program Website
    Parent Conferences

    The Counseling Department will be using the MBF Teen Safety Matters Program.  The goal of the program is to keep our children safe.  More information about this program can be found at the Monique Burr Foundation for Children Teen Safety Matters website.  If you wish to have your child opt-out of the program, please download, complete the opt-out form, and return it to the Counseling Department.