- William T. Dwyer High
- School Policies and Procedures
Students & Parents
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School Policies and Procedures
William T. Dwyer High School has policies and procedures in place to ensure campus security, student safety, and student achievement. All students and parents are expected to know and follow the Dwyer High School policies and procedures included in the links on this page.
Student Drivers & Parent Drop-Off
Student Drivers and Parent Student Drop-off:
The entrance to Student Parking and Parent Drop-off is at the south end of the school at the traffic light (Between 7:00am – 7:35am there is NO student drop-off at the front of the school).
Student drivers MUST have a 2023-2024 Dwyer Parking Permit to park on campus after the first week of school.
After 7:35am, the Student Drivers and Parent Student Drop-off entrance will be at the front of the school (Student drivers entering the school after 7:35am must enter from the front of the school, drive through the 'Pass-Through Gate' to the Student Lot, park in their assigned permit spot, and enter the Campus through the Visitor Check-In Office).
Student Parking Policies and Procedures:
Parking spots are assigned by permit number, and students may only park in their assigned parking spot.
After the first week of school, students who park on campus without a 2023-2024 Dwyer Parking Permit will receive progressive parking violations ranging from tickets, violation fees, to a boot being placed on your car.
For more information about Student Parking Permits, visit the Dwyer Parking Permit Webpage.
Entering Campus
- School gates open for students to enter campus at 7:00am.
- Students will enter campus from the Student Parking area at the front of the school by the flag pole (Atrium entrance).
- Students must be dressed per the Dwyer dress code, which includes wearing their Dwyer HS student ID visibly around their neck on a lanyard (Returning students are to use their ID from the previous year. Freshmen & students new to Dwyer will receive their student ID via a scheduled plan once they return to campus.).
- Students must be inside their first class of the day by 7:35am. Students arriving after 7:35am must enter campus through the Visitor Check-in Office.
- Any student who arrives after the tardy bell must immediately go to one of the Tardy Kiosks, scan their ID, and take the Tardy Pass to their teacher to be admitted into class.
Breakfast and Lunch
- Breakfast is served for free to all students from 7:00am – 7:29am inside the Cafeteria and in the Breezeway outside of the Guidance Office.
- Dwyer is a ‘closed campus’. Students are NOT permitted to leave campus for breakfast or lunch. In addition, we DO NOT permit breakfast or lunch deliveries to students.
Class Change/Transitions
- Students are expected to move directly to their next class at the sound of the class change bell.
- Students must be inside their classroom at the sound of the tardy bell.
- Any student who is not in class by the tardy bell must immediately go to one of the Tardy Kiosks, scan their ID, and take the Tardy Pass to their teacher to be admitted into class.
- Students are must be inside their classroom at the sound of the tardy bell.
- Students are to bring their District-issued Chromebook, charger, and personal earphones/earbuds (that will connect to the Chromebook) to school daily. Remember to charge your device each night.
- Students who have not checked-out a District Chromebook will be able to do so before school in the Media Center.
- Students must follow classroom rules, which may include sitting in assigned seats, and moving to an overflow room (if needed).
Student Exit & Parent Pick-Up
School Dismissal & Exit
- Students are to exit campus immediately through any exit. No congregating on campus, in the bus loop, or in the parking lot.
- Students who have a ‘free period’ MAY NOT remain on campus during their free period, and must exit from the front of the school (Atrium gate) showing their schedule as verification to leave campus.
End of the Day Parent Student Pick-up
- Parent Student Pick-Up is located in the same place as the morning drop-off: enter at the south end of the school at the traffic light. (Between 2:30pm – 3:00pm there is NO student pick-up at the front of the school).
Absence Procedure
The SDPBC “Student and Family Handbook” outlines the District’s attendance policies, and defines excused absences and tardies. (Student and Family Handbook)
- Students who arrive to class late will be marked Tardy (T).
- Students who miss 50% or more of the class period will be marked Absent (A).
- Students are responsible for obtaining and completing/submitting any missed assignments or tests due to absences or tardies.Dwyer’s Excused Absence Procedure:
- Students who miss school due to an excused absence are to provide a parent note regarding the absence to Student Services the morning they return before 7:30am, OR parents can email DwyerStudentServices@palmbeachschools.org.
- The note/email must include: Student’s full name, Date of absence, Reason for absence, and the Parent’s contact phone number for verification.
- Students will be given an ‘Excused Pass’ from Student Services, and are responsible for showing the pass to their teachers, and completing/submitting any missed assignments or tests.
SDPBC Attendance Policy:
Students who are absent for more than 10% of a class in a Semester (excused or unexcused), must demonstrate proficiency in the class by passing at least one of the nine-weeks of the class AND the Semester Exam to earn credit for the semester. Note: If a student is absent more than 10% of the school year in an EOC course, the student must earn a passing grade in the 4th nine-weeks to earn credit for the year course.
Closed Campus Statement & Policies
In order to satisfy State and District requirements for the supervision and safety of students, and to limit the disruption of classroom instruction, William T. Dwyer High School is a closed campus.
- Students are not permitted to leave the campus during the school day without permission from the administration and properly signing out.
- During lunch, students must remain in the Cafeteria or the designated Courtyard area. All other portions of the campus are off-limits.
- Students may not have food/drinks or other items delivered to campus during the school day.
- Items that may disrupt the normal activity of the campus and classroom are not permitted to be brought or delivered to school (examples: balloons, cakes, cupcakes, noisemakers, large stuffed animals, etc.).
Early Dismissal Procedure
If a student must leave school prior to their school dismissal time, specific procedures must be followed*:
- The student must submit a written note from the parent to Student Services OR parents may email DwyerStudentServices@palmbeachschools.org at the beginning of their school day to be verified.
- Include in the note/email: Students full name, Date and Time student needs to be released, Reason for the Early Dismissal, and the parent/guardian name and phone number for verification.
* For unplanned or emergency Early Dismissals, a parent must come to the Single Point of Entry at the time they want the student released, and sign the student out of school.
- Any Early Dismissal email that is not received by 8:00am on the day of release may result in a delay in the student’s early dismissal.
- If a parent fails to answer our secretary’s verification call, it may result in a delay in the Early Dismissal.
Late Arrival Procedure
Students who arrive to school after 7:35am must enter campus at the Visitor Check-In Office, and obtain a Tardy Pass from the tardy kiosk.
If the late arrival is due to a District-approved excused reason such as a doctor's appointment, dentist appointment, professional appointment, etc., the parent/guardian must send a note (or a documented appointment card/Dr. note) with the student stating the reason for the late arrival, as well as a parent phone number to verify the late arrival.
If the late arrival is not for a District-approved reason, or the parent fails to provide a note with the student, it will be considered "unexcused", and may result in a school consequence.
Students who miss one or more of their classes due to a late arrival are responsible for showing the tardy pass to their teachers of the classes they missed and for making up any missed work.
School IDs and Student Identification
All William T. Dwyer High School students, while on campus, must visibly wear their school-issued ID card. Student identification cards are used for a variety of reasons, including entering the Media Center, leaving campus for a college course or a free period, etc.
Students must not demonstrate any behavior or action, while at school, that prevents a staff member from identifying the student.