- West Boca Raton Community High
- School Counseling
- Dual Enrollment
- Dual Enrollment Info Steps
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Dual Enrollment Instructions
New Students
- Discuss your eligibility with your High School Counselor
- Students need a minimum 3.0 GPA / Freshmen need a minimum of 3.5 GPA
- College Ready test scores:
- ACT- Reading 19, English 17, Math 19
- SAT/PSAT- Reading 24, Writing 25, Math 24
- PERT- Reading 106, Writing 103, Math 114
- Scores from different tests can be combined. Students must pass Reading, Writing and Math in order to Dual Enroll.
- Submit an online Palm Beach State College application HERE
- Complete the Dual Enrollment Online Orientation -
- The Dual Enrollment Orientation is now online. Students go to the link above to watch the orientation video. Once the video is completed, students and their parent/legal guardian must print, sign, scan and email the Dual Enrollment Agreement Form. Keep in mind, this will only be for students who are new to the program and have completed an application.
- Submit a completed Dual Enrollment Agreement to DualEnrollment@palmbeachstate.edu
- Download the MyPBSC mobile application from the Apple or Google Play Store
- Additional documentation -
- Students new to the Dual Enrollment Program need their GPA verification (the counselor can provide) applicable ACT, SAT, PSAT and/or PERT scores, and applicable AP, AICE and or IB scores. Counselors are responsible for issuing completed registration paperwork once students have completed the above steps and shared with the counselor the class or classes they want to take during the semester. It will be the student’s responsibility to submit all these documents for processing. Students will upload their forms via the online Dual Authorization request (linked below). Students must have all their documents ready BEFORE submitting a request. Documentation may include:
- Dual Enrollment Authorization Form
- Proof of college-ready test scores (ACT, P-ACT, SAT, P-SAT, ACCUPLACER, and/or PERT)
- Up to date PERT information provided at
- Up to date PERT information provided at
- Applicable AP, AICE, and/or IB scores
- Proof of minimum unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or 3.5 (Dual Enrollment)
- Proof of minimum unweighted high school GPA of 3.2 (Early Admission, Seniors only)
- Official letter of recommendation from High School Principal (Early Admission, Seniors only)
- Legal Compliance & Eligibility Form (Home Education students only, contact HomeEd@palmbeachschools.org)
- Submit registration documents via the Dual Enrollment Authorization Request
- The Dual Enrollment Authorization Request cannot be submitted until registration opens for each semester.
- Check the Palm Beach State College Site for the Academic Calendar/Registration calendar
- Note: Be sure all documentation is complete with required signatures, stamps, and initials to mitigate delays in processing. Authorization requests are processed in the order of which they are received. Once processed, a confirmation email will be sent to your Palm Beach State College student email account (not personal email). Students will be notified of incomplete requests and will be directed to their counselor.
- Students may submit paperwork up until the end of the add/drop period for the class. Some classes become full, so it is beneficial to register early.
Students should have access to their courses via the Blackboard platform. Should they experience issues logging into Blackboard, they can submit a ticket to our Information Technology (IT) Department.
Any questions can be directed to dualenrollment@palmbeachstate.edu
Important note: Students who earn a W, D, or F in a college course are dismissed from the program.
- Discuss your eligibility with your High School Counselor