Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

  • Palmetto offers a variety of clubs and activities

    Patrols - 5th grade Students leaders who help monitor students during arrival and dismissal time

    IB Ambassadors - 4th and fifth grade Student leaders that are role models of the IB Learner Profile Attributes and support all school activities.

    SECME Club - following the engineering design process in the building of mousetrap cars and water bottle rockets, and will gain a sense of accomplishment and pride by entering the countywide competition against other local schools.

    Odyssey of the Mind Club - A creative STEM problem solving competition where students learn to work as a team to solve a problem together and compete against other schools.

    Art Club and Chorus are also available for students who are interested.

    In addition, STEM Night is an annual event in November where 30 - 35 local businesses, engineers, science museum, zoo and others come together at Palmetto to share their love of science with our students. Our attendance ranges from 350 - 400 guests and one of our favorite nights of the year!

    Monthly SAC Meetings also include hands on parent workshops to help parents support students in their learning.