- Sunset Palms Elementary
- Accomplishments
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School/Teacher/Student Recognition
“A” Rated School
Florida School of Excellence
PTA School of Excellence
Golden School Award
Green School of Excellence Award
Asthma Friendly School
Perfect Safety Inspections
School District Battle of the Books champions for 3 consecutive years
Scholastic Read For the World Record Winner
Macy’s Classroom Teacher Award Grants
School’s Vocabulary Parade and Physical Education Program featured on the News
Presidential Physical Fitness award winners
Participate in the District Math/Science Fair
Student artwork displayed at FHESC – artwork was selected by State Representative Lois Frankel to display in her Washington, D.C. office
Student artwork displayed at the South Florida Fairgrounds.
First, Second and Third Place winners at the District Math/Science Fair
Student Green Project Award RecipientsCommunity Outreach
Wonderful and Dedicated PTA
Family Math and Science Night
PTA Dances
Trunk or Treat
Spring Fling
Chorus Concerts
Art After Dark
Collected 70 costumes for the Boys & Girls Club
Collected over 850 food items for “Food For Families”
Sent letters to our troops overseas for the holidays
Collected 450 new toys for underprivileged children in the school district & Soup Kitchen
Collected uniforms and backpacks for Indian Pines Elementary
Additional Community Outreach Initiatives