Class Information

  • Fine Arts

    We offer Music, PE, Art, and Media classes each day on a rotating schedule.

    K-5 Classes

    All classes which are not designated as gifted classes will be heterogeneous classes with mixed ability levels (high, medium, low).
    All classes will be self-contained (not departmentalized).

    Gifted Classes

    We offer gifted classes in K-5 based on the number of currently enrolled gifted students. Currently, enrolled students who are labeled gifted will be placed in gifted classes. Any available spaces will be filled with above-grade level students who have superior assessment scores (the highest levels for the grade level) and superior classroom performance. If a student who is not labeled gifted is placed in a gifted class, the student is NOT guaranteed a spot in a gifted class for the following school year. The number of gifted classes is based on how many labeled gifted students we have.