- Sunset Palms Elementary
- School Supply Lists
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School Supply Lists
These are the supplies used at each grade level. Purchasing these supplies is voluntary for parents. Your contributions are appreciated. We also request that all students have Public Library cards.
*Specific brands listed are preferred by teachers based on durability.*Students may wear their own breakaway lanyard with their school issued ID badge or they may wear the school issued lanyard.
All grade levels would prefer backpacks without wheels. Each teacher may request additional items at the beginning of the school year.
- 1 plastic pencil box without compartments
- 5 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
- 1 pkg. No. 2 pencils (12-18 pencils sharpened)
- 2 pkgs. Ticonderoga My First Pencil (primary size 2)
- 2 boxes washable markers
- 1 pair of blunt Fiskars scissors
- 3 plastic folders w/pockets and prongs (solid colors)
- 16 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 box (4 ct.) Mr. Clean Magic Erasers (original)
- 1 pkg. THIN BLACK Expo Dry Erase markers
- 1 pkg. THICK BLACK Expo Dry Erase markers
- 3 reams of white copy paper
- 1 ream of bright colored copy paper
- 1 ream of pastel copy paper
- 3 rolls of paper towels
- 1 bottle anti-bacterial Soft Soap
- 1 bottle of Purell hand sanitizer
- 3 pkgs. Clorox wipes
- 2 pkgs. baby wipes
- 1 large box of facial tissues
- 1 pkg. plastic variety utensils
- 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags-no gliders
- 1 box quart size Ziploc bags-no gliders
- 1 box snack size Ziploc bags-no gliders
- 1 package of 2 Sharpie markers
- 1 package of 2 highlighters
- 3 plastic folders w/pockets and prongs (solid colors)
- 1 set of extra clothes to keep in your child’s backpack
- Personal headphones for technology use
1st Grade
- 1 small plastic school box (approx. 5 x 8)
- 36 No. 2 pencils Ticonderoga (sharpened)
- 4 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 2 pkgs. Expo Dry Erase markers (black)
- 1 pair Fiskars scissors
- 12 Elmer’s glue sticks (small)
- 2 black & white “Primary” composition notebooks
- 5 reams of white copy paper
- 1 - 1 ½ inch white binder with clear insert on front and pockets inside
- 4 plastic pocket folders w/prongs (1 each: red, blue, green and
- yellow)
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 1 pkg. of Clorox disinfecting wipes
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
- 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags
- 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc bags
- 2 reusable cloth shopping bags
- 5 Tab multi-colored index paper dividers
- 1 box of Band-Aid brand bandages
- 2 bottles hand soap
- Personal headphones for technology use
2nd Grade
- 1 supply box
- 3 boxes of 24 crayons
- 3 boxes of #2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened)
- 1 pkg. of Magic Rub erasers
- 2 highlighters
- 1 pair Fiskars scissors
- 3 large Elmer's glue sticks
- 5 plastic pocket folders w/prongs (1 each: red, blue, orange, green, and yellow)
- 3 black & white composition notebooks (no spirals)
- 3 reams of white copy paper
- 2 reams of color copy paper (single color packs of Astrobrights)
- 1 pack Expo Dry Erase Markers (all black)
- 2 pkgs. baby wipes
- 1 pkg. Clorox wipes
- 1 box (2 ct.) Mr. Clean Magic Erasers (original)
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags
- 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc bags
- 1 bottles antibacterial liquid soap
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
- 1 pack of Post-it sticky notes
- Personal headphones for technology use
3rd Grade
- 1 supply box
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 pack highlighters
- 1 box of markers (thin or thick)
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 3 boxes No. 2 pencils (sharpened) Ticonderoga
- 5 plastic pocket folders w/prongs (1 each: red, blue,
- orange, green, and yellow)
- 3 composition notebooks (no spirals)
- 2 large glue sticks
- 2 pkgs. lg. white pencil erasers (Magic Rub Brand)
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 1 pkg. of Clorox disinfectant wipes
- 1 pair Fiskars scissors
- 3 reams of white copy paper
- 1 ream of color copy paper (Neon Colors)
- 1 pkg. of Post-it brand notes
- 2 boxes Expo Dry Erase Markers
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 3 large boxes of tissues (160 count)
- 1 box of Band-Aid brand bandages
- 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags
- 1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags
- 1 box Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (original)
- Personal headphones for technology use
4th Grade
- 3 boxes of 12 No. 2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened)
- Crayola markers, crayons and colored pencils
- 1 pencil pouch
- 1 pkg. of blue Pilot G2 pens
- 1 pack of highlighters
- 1 plastic folder with prongs
- 5 plastic folders any kind
- 5 composition notebooks (no spirals)
- 1 pack of wide-ruled reinforced notebook paper
- 3 reams of white copy paper
- 1 ream of color copy paper (Neon Colors)
- 1 roll of Scotch Tape
- 1 pkg. of erasers cap
- 2 large Elmer glue sticks
- 1 pair of child Fiskars scissors
- 4 pads of Post-it notes
- 2 pkgs. wide chisel tip EXPO Dry Erase Markers
- 1 box Mr. Clean Magic Erasers (original 2 count)
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
- 1 bottle of hand soap
- 2 pkgs. of Clorox disinfectant wipes
- 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags
- 1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags
- 1 backpack (no wheels)
- 1 protractor without compass
- 1 pack of index cards
- 1 box Band-Aid brand bandages
- Personal headphones for technology use
5th Grade
- 1 pencil bag or box
- 1 pair of Fiskars scissors
- 72 Sharpened No.2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 pkg. Pilot G-2 pens
- 1 individual pencil sharpener
- 1 box of crayons and colored pencils
- 1 pkg. of markers (8 or more)
- 1 pkg. of black Sharpie markers
- 8 Expo Dry Erase Markers Chisel tip
- 1 pkg. Expo fine tip dry erase markers
- 1 multi pack of glue sticks (replenish as needed)
- 6 composition notebooks
- 6 plastic folders with prongs (different colors)
- 2 reams of any color paper
- 4 reams of white copy paper
- 1 pkg. of multicolored highlighters
- 8 pkgs. Post-it brand notes
- 1 pkg. of reinforced lined paper
- 1 bottle of hand soap
- 1 pkg. of baby wipes
- 1 roll of paper towels
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 1 pkg. Clorox wipes
- 1 box Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
- 1 box of Band-Aid brand bandages
- Personal headphones for technology use