Professional Development

  • Anthony Dougherty, Director
    Phone: (561) 649-6839
    3300 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-206
    West Palm Beach, FL 33406

    Purpose and Functions

    Professional Development - Learning, Leading, Growing Together The Professional Development Department is committed to working in collaboration with all departments and schools to provide, promote, and monitor high-quality professional learning that increases the effectiveness of instructional and non-instructional personnel throughout our District.

    In order to foster a culture of excellence and equity for all students, all professional learning is aligned  the framework of the Palm Beach Model of Instruction and Marzano School Leader Evaluation Model. In addition, Professional Development assists with all required reports at the District, State, and Federal level. Services provided include:

    • Palm Beach Model of Instruction training, coaching and implementation support for district and school-based employees.
    • Assistance and support for evaluation tools within iObservation, including reports and use of resources to support evaluation and individual professional development plans.
    • Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) System assistance and technical support for all schools and departments offering professional development.
    • Support for schools with aligning their school improvement efforts with their professional development plan.
    • Coaching, mentoring and support for all new educators on certification requirements as outlined by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE).
    • Ensures all student interns and practicum students from universities are placed with the appropriate and trained personnel in District schools.
    • Support schools with the implementation and training required for Professional Learning Communities (PLC).

    2021 Governor's Sterling Award Recipient - Florida Sterling Council - A State of Excellence