- Sunrise Park Elementary
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Students & Parents
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Morning Arrival & Afternoon Dismissal at Sunrise Park
- Parents line up from the north of campus on Coral Ridge Dr. Please enter the parking lot from the Yamato/Coral Ridge traffic pattern.
- Parents may only use the utmost left-hand lane to enter the parking lot. You may NOT cut into the parking lot using the "pass though straight away lane." THIS IS ILLEGAL and dangerous for walkers and other vehicles.
- Please do NOT stop where your child is; we will direct your child to their vehicle. This will help dismissal go faster.
Yellow comes from the north
- Green car lane parents stage themselves in Eagles Landing parking lot (SOUTH of SPES). Cars may NOT enter the bus loop until ALL buses have been dismissed.
- Parents may only use the utmost right-hand lane to enter the bus loop. You may NOT cut into the parking lot using the "pass though straight away lane." THIS IS ILLEGAL and dangerous for walkers and other vehicles.
- Please pull ahead and do NOT stop where your child is; we will direct your child to their vehicle. This will help dismissal go faster.
Green comes from the south and operates in the afternoon only
General Reminders
- Entering campus in the morning should be treated like a 3-way stop. Cars should take turns, and NOT block crosswalks while doing so. Parents can park and walk their children up to the main entrance.
- Parents coming from the north of SPES must use the far left-hand lane, regardless of if they are solely dropping off, or are choosing to park and walk-in. IT IS ILLEGAL and dangerous to turn in from the outside lane.
- Parents coming from the south of SPES must use the far right-hand lane, regardless of if they are solely dropping off, or are choosing to park and walk-in. IT IS ILLEGAL and dangerous to turn in from the outside lane.
- Cellphone use is prohibited at all times during arrival and dismissal.
- Pull all the way forward to the front of the line. DO NOT stop where it is most convenient for your student to exit; this will allow the drop-off to be more fluent.
- Students may only exit/enter the vehicle from the passenger side of the car.
- Parents are to remain in their vehicles at all times.
- At pick-up, please make sure your Curbsmart number is prominently displayed on your dashboard. If you have any Curbsmart tag issues, please call Candy at 561-477-4305 so that we can get it corrected for you.
- If your child is a west door walker, and you are picking him/her up by car, please remember to park in a designated parking space in the parking lot. Please escort your child(ren) back to your vehicle utilizing the designated crosswalks. Please do NOT cut across traffic that is entering the parking lot from the Yellow car lane.
Did you know - Eagles Landing Parking?
- Skip the car lane in the mornings! Park in the Eagles Landing parking lot. You can walk your child through the gate and on to the bus loop sidewalk. Staff and a school police officer are always at the doors every morning from 7:35am - 8:05am. Please try this drop-off option; it is super easy and convenient.
Please let's work together, as we are all carrying precious cargo. Everyone's time is just as important as your own.