Morning/Aftercare Information

  • Geanelly DeJesus, Afterschool Site Director

    561-804-3630 or 561 804-8637

    Afterschool Programming Philosophy 
    The purpose of the Department of Afterschool Programming is to facilitate opportunities for quality afterschool programs which meet the fundamental needs common to all students during afterschool hours.  It is important that students have access to the best possible opportunities to develop into healthy, well-adjusted and responsible adults.

    Upon acceptance into the afterschool program, a completed registration form and $25.00 registration fee is due and secures a student’s place in the program.  The $25.00 registration fee is non-refundable after the first day of school.  Students CANNOT register in any afterschool program if they have outstanding afterschool fee balances within the District. 

    Applicants are registered on a first-come, first-serve basis, based on space availability and staffing.  A wait list is established when the program is at capacity.  As students apply throughout the year, their names are added to the wait list until additional staff can be hired to reduce the wait list. 

    Afterschool Hours
    Afterschool is a quality enrichment program, located in a safe setting, offering scheduled academic and special activities and cannot accommodate occasional drop-in service. Students must be enrolled and tuition must be paid in accordance to the fee payment schedule for any of the programs below:

    • Full-time program, Monday - Friday (2:35pm to 6:00pm)
    • Part-time program, Monday – Friday (2:35pm to 4:00pm)

    *Refer to school calendar for student attendance days

    Payment Policies
    Fees are calculated based on contracted attendance and are prorated throughout the year. Tuition must be paid in full for the entire month; it cannot be paid for by the hour.  To support families in budget planning, payments may be made in one payment for the complete month OR in two installments per month.  Payments must be made prior to services rendered.  If your student(s) enroll after the first installment due date, the total monthly tuition OR the first installment must be paid upon registration.  All afterschool fees must be paid in the afterschool office to the afterschool director or designee.  Afterschool fees may not be paid at the school front office or given to teachers.  For any payments made in cash or money order, a receipt must be issued immediately.   

    Late Payment Fees
    Payments not made on or before due date are subject to a late payment charge.  Late payment charges are assessed after each installment due date (twice monthly).  

    Late Pick-up Fees 
    For every minute that a parent/guardian is late in picking up his/her child/children, a late pick-up fee of $1.00 is charged.  Multiple late pick-ups can lead to a student being removed from the program.  Listed below is a sample of the late pick-up fee charges of $1.00 per minute: 

     Part-time     2:00 - 4:00 pm, student being picked up at 4:10 will incur a $10.00 late charge 
     Full-time      2:00 - 6:00 pm, student being picked up at 6:15 will incur a $15.00 late charge 

    Refund Policy
    To withdraw a student from the afterschool program, parent must notify the director in writing two weeks prior to withdrawal in order to receive a refund payment.  Other requests for refunds will not be granted.  If the student transfers within the first month of enrollment, registration fees can be transferred to the new school the student is attending. 

    Dismissal/Sign-out Procedures
    All students must report to afterschool directly after school dismissal.  Within the first 15 minutes, attendance is taken and submitted to the afterschool office.  Students absent during the school day may still attend the afterschool program, provided they are healthy and a parent/guardian has signed them into the program.  Only authorized persons as designated on the registration form can pick up the child.  For safety reasons, calls from parents/guardians are not adequate for dismissal.  Authorized persons must be 18 years of age or older and have a photo I.D. card to show daily to afterschool personnel upon release of student.  The Under Age Pick Up Permission Slip (PBSD 2502) must be completed if a parent/guardian requests a minor under the age of eighteen pick up their child. These minors must show valid photo identification to pick up a student.

    Unless there is a specific State of Florida (any other state is not valid) custody order on file with afterschool, a student may be released to the non-custodial parent/guardian if listed on the student’s registration form. Parents/guardians are responsible for keeping information regarding authorized persons and custody orders current. Custody issues must be resolved outside of the school center. Inappropriate behavior from persons picking up a student, including threatening, hostile language will result in parents/guardians having to make other arrangements for student pick-up, or termination of afterschool services for their child. Parent/Guardian/Authorized Person must come to the school to sign his/her complete legal name (initials are not permitted), date and time on a sign-out sheet. Signature cards may be used to help illegible signatures. 

    Behavior Policies
    Students take part in formulating group rules.  Students are encouraged to make responsible choices and are rewarded for appropriate behavior. Inappropriate decisions by students result in logical consequences.  The goal is to shape responsible students who have the power to choose the best behavior.  Serious offenses may result in an Afterschool Behavior Report.  Three afterschool behavior reports during the school year may result in dismissal of a student from the program.  If involved in any physical confrontation, and deemed dangerous to him/herself or others, immediate termination of a student from the program will be imposed. All child discipline practices are age-appropriate and consistent with School Board Policies 2.035 and 5.1812.

    Afterschool Programming’s healthy snack program consists of a drink (milk, water or 100% juice) and at least two (2) healthy food choices.  Please see the parent/guardian information board for a full snack menu to address any food allergies with the director.  

    Health Procedures
    Students unable to stay with their groups due to injury or illness are held at the afterschool office or sign-out location.  This program follows school day guidelines in dealing with emergencies.  If necessary, minor first aid is administered by qualified staff and parents/guardians are notified at sign-out. For serious illness or injury, the afterschool office contacts parents/guardians immediately and immediate pick-up is necessary.  In order to avoid injury, students are expected to follow the school day dress code and to wear close-toed shoes at all times for safety.

    Afterschool personnel cannot administer any type of medication unless a medical authorization form signed by a parent/guardian and the physician is on file in the afterschool office.  Students are not allowed to possess any medication at any time, with the exception of prescribed asthma inhalers.

    Open Door Policy and Resources 
    In striving to best serve families, please remember that the door to the afterschool program is always open. Authorized parents/guardians will be allowed access to the program in accordance with appropriate safety procedures, to include checking in to the front office and being escorted by a staff to designated location. Parent/guardian resources are available on the Parent/Guardian Information board located in the afterschool office.  Families are considered partners in this afterschool program. Parents wishing to share their talents with afterschool students should contact the afterschool site director. Should a parent's schedule allow them to participate during afterschool hours or special events, they should check with the director to join the fun! For any questions, please contact the afterschool site director at 561-301-6534.

    In Case of Evacuation
    In the event the need for an off-campus evacuation occurs, the parent pick-up site will be located at Royal Palm Elementary and the emergency contact phone number is 561-301-6534.

    Payment Policy
    Tuition must be paid in full for the entire month.  To support families in budget planning, payments may be made in one payment for the entire month OR in two installments per month. Payments must be made prior to services rendered.  If student(s) enroll after the first installment due date, the total monthly tuition OR the first installment must be paid upon registration.  Payments not made on or before due date are subject to a late payment charge.

    Withdrawal/Late Payment Fee/Late Pick-up Fee Policy
    I understand and agree to abide by the policy that there is a two-week written notice for withdrawal of any student from the afterschool program.  In addition, I understand no refunds or credits will be given for vacations, illness, withdrawals or disruptive behavior releases.  I further understand that if fees are not paid by the due date that a late payment fee will be assessed and that my student will be automatically withdrawn from the program. I further understand there is no guarantee space will be available at a future date should I wish to reenroll my student.  I also understand that if my student is picked up late, there is a late pick-up fee.  If picked up late more than three times, my student is subject to dismissal from the program with no refunds or credits given.

    Non-sufficient Funds Policy
    Please see the attached informational handout on Envision Payment Solutions, a third party collection service for returned checks.

    Dismissal/Sign-out Procedures
    I understand that for the safety of my student(s), any person I assign to pick up my student(s) is required to produce photo ID upon request at sign-out on a daily basis.  I further understand that I, or any person I assign, am/is required to use official full signatures on any and all afterschool documents, including registration forms, sign-out sheets, parent/guardian notes etc.  Furthermore, every sign-out sheet must include the time of pick-up.  I also understand that my student’s information will need to be updated regularly.  Inappropriate behavior including hostile, threatening language from parents/guardians can result in parents/guardians having to make other arrangements for student pick-up.  Failure to follow these policies will result in immediate dismissal of the student from the program. 

    Teacher/Staff Sign-out
    I give permission for my student(s) to be signed out by teachers/staff of Starlight Cove Elementary in order to help in classrooms, receive extra help, etc.  I understand that my child will be under the supervision of school staff during the time they are signed out of afterschool.

    Behavior Guidelines
    Behavior reports indicate ongoing problems needing to be resolved.  Behavior plans and parent/guardian/teacher support will be sought and age-appropriate consequences will be assigned as necessary.  Students receiving three behavior reports during the school year may be dismissed from the afterschool program without refund.  Reasons for behavior reports include but are not limited to, any violence, failure to follow directions or safety rules, inappropriate language, disrespectful behavior towards the afterschool staff and/or others, etc.  Should it be determined that a student’s behavior proves harmful to him/herself or others, immediate dismissal from the program will result.

    Sports/Activity Permission
    I hereby give permission for my student(s) to participate in sports and activities through the Starlight Cove Elementary Afterschool Program.  I release the program and staff from any responsibility due to injury. 

    Influenza (Flu) Vaccine Notification Letter
    I have read and understood the influenza letter to parents in regards to the importance of the flu vaccine.

    Parent Statement of Understanding
    I have read, understood, and accepted all afterschool rules, policies, and procedures.

    Thank you for sharing your child with us!