Choral Program

  • The Choral Department at Dr. Garcia High School is a musical, intellectual, and social haven for high school students. It is important for students of all social, academic, and musical backgrounds to be challenged and inspired as curious and fervent musicians, as well as independent and free-thinking members of their social communities. Every day, the teacher and students will work together to build a community that empowers them to embrace their potential in class and society. It is the goal that each student gain an understanding of the human voice, choral repertoire, and performance art to enable themselves to share their gifts and perspectives with the greater community.

    Please see “Special Note” under each description for prerequisite information and special placement considerations.

Course Descriptions

  • Beginning Ladies Choir

  • Men’s Choral Ensemble

  • Intermediate Treble Choir

  • Advanced Ladies Choir

  • Advanced Mixed Choir