Cambridge AICE Program

  • AICE crestThe Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Program is an international, pre-university program developed by the University of Cambridge in England. These courses are rigorous and the accelerated curriculum is designed to award college credit upon successful completion of an International Standard Exam. Cambridge learners build more than just a deep understanding of their subject. Being a student of Cambridge Pathway means developing higher order thinking skills to apply what they’ve learned. Solving problems creatively and thinking for themselves. Doing their own research and communicating it. Cambridge International AS and or A level coursework is taken on a high school campus during the day and gives the opportunity to earn college credits.

    AICE Diploma

    In order to earn an AICE International Diploma, students must pass seven credits worth of AICE examinations within a twenty-five month period. At least one examination must come from each of the three subject groups: Mathematics & Sciences, Languages, and Arts & Humanities. By earning the AICE Diploma and completing 100 hours of community service during the high school years, a student will qualify for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program, which includes 100% tuition at a Florida public institution.  

    To be considered for an AICE Diploma, students will have to achieve a minimum of 7 credits (including Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research) from subject groups 1, 2, and 3 (and optionally Group 4) to be awarded the Diploma. Learners must achieve at least one credit from each of Groups 1, 2 and 3. The remaining credits can come from any of the groups. A maximum of two credits can count from Group 4. A Cambridge International AS Level is awarded one credit.

    *Students who do not take the AP and/or AICE examination will not receive AP/AICE weighting for the course(s). The course code will remain the same; however, the weighting will be changed to honors level  and will be placed on obligation for the fee of the exam and shipping costs.*

AICE Course Offerings

  • Group 1: Mathematics & Sciences

  • Group 2: Languages

  • Group 3: Arts/Humanities

  • Group 4: Interdisciplinary (optional)

  • Core Requirement: Global Perspectives and Research AS (1700364)

    At least one (1) credit in each Groups 1-3
    At least three (3) additional credits from groups 1-4 (any combination)

    To earn an AICE Diploma, candidates are required to obtain a total of 7 credits from the following curriculum groups and must pass each exam (courses listed are limited to the course offerings at Dr. Joaquin Garcia High)

Earning the AICE Diploma and Examination Policies

  • Diploma Requirements

    ALL 7 credits MUST be earned within a 25-month time frame (equates to 3 consecutive school years)

    • Cambridge AICE Diploma, learners must achieve a minimum of seven credits, with at least one credit from Groups 1, 2, and 3.
    • To earn an AICE Diploma, candidates must pass the exam associated with each course taken.
    • Students are expected to complete the year-long AICE course prior to sitting for the exam.
    • Global Perspectives and Research is a required core course.
    • 100 hours of community service documented by a school counselor (required for Bright Futures)
    • AICE Diploma candidates who complete the entire seven course curriculum and sit for all seven exams are exempt from the online courses, Fine Arts, and P.E. requirements for graduation.

    Examination Policies

    There are NO make-up dates within a given exam series for ANY Cambridge AICE exam

    • All seven exams must be completed within 3 school years (25 month period).
      Students can count their Freshman, Sophomore and Junior exams or their sophomore, junior, and senior exams.
    • Students are expected to take the exam for each AICE course in which they are enrolled in.
    • AICE exams are administered in two series: The “June” series (late April and mid-June) and the November series (late September to mid-November)
    • Students who fail to sit for an exam, for any reason, will have their HPA credit dropped to Honors for the course.

    Cambridge AS/AL Examination Grades

    A: Excellent
    B or C: Good
    D or E: Satisfactory
    Ungraded: Did not earn enough points to receive a grade
    No Result: Indicates student did not complete

    Learners who meet the requirements of the group award will receive a Cambridge AICE Diploma at one of three levels: AICE Diploma with Distinction (420 points), Cambridge AICE Diploma with Merit (250-359 points), and Cambridge AICE at Pass Level (140-249 points)

    Students will still receive a General Certificate of Education (GCE) for their individual subjects if exams are passed.