Choice Programs

  • Graphic Arts

    The Graphic Arts program focuses on creative and artistic opportunities for students through a variety of mediums and materials. Students will earn the structural components and skills to create 2D and 3D art. The program also offers students the opportunity to cultivate graphic design and digital media. Students maintain a sketch book, electronic portfolio, study art history, and explore a variety of careers in the field of art and communication.

    Pre-Information Technology

    The Pre–Information Technology Program offers an innovative, integrated learning environment focused on computers, technology and communications. Students who participate in a Pre–Information Technology acquire foundational knowledge and skills in basic programming techniques, software and web development, and emerging digital technologies. Emphasis is placed on a college preparatory curriculum directly linked to career pathways in the IT career cluster.

    Pre-Medical Sciences

    The Pre–Medical Sciences program is a three–year preparatory honors program for the middle school student that emphasizes science, math, and language skills while preparing students to be highly competitive in the medical field. The courses offered include Orientation to Health Occupations, Exploration of Health Science Professions & Career Planning, and Medical Skills and Services. In the School District of Palm Beach County all medical courses provide local honors credit.


    Western Pines Middle School's Academy video gives a tour of the Academy programs and other programs at the school. The video features students creating Art and building robots, students on computers in the Pre-Infomation Technology Academy, and students practicing CPR in the Pre-Medical Sciences Academy.