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Manatee Elementary School

Educate. Affirm. Inspire.

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Manatee Elementary School has been educating students in Lake Worth since 1994. Manatee Elementary is home to students in Kindergarten through the 5th grade.

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About Us

  • Our Mission

    It is our mission to provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive citizens, and embrace lifelong learning in a safe and positive environment. We believe all children can learn and excel with developmentally appropriate materials, practices, and strategies. We believe all children deserve a quality education that not only meets, but exceeds standards.

    The School District of Palm Beach County serves more than 189,000 students who speak 150 languages and dialects. We are a High-Performing School District with 335 Choice and Career Programs. Our mission is to educate, affirm, and inspire each student in an equity-embedded school system.

    We are an A rated school

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SDPBC At a Glance

  • An A-Rated School District FL Department of Education
  • 95.9% Graduation Rate
  • 10th Largest District in the U.S.
  • 192 Countries Represented
  • 32.8 million meals School Food Service
  • 335 Choice & Career Programs
  • 171,261 Students in District-operated schools
  • 22,801 Total employees