Reading Intervention

  • Elementary Reading Intervention:
    The State of Florida requires daily classroom instruction in reading in a dedicated block of time of at least 90 minutes. This 90-minute reading block (Core/Tier 1/Initial instruction) should consist of both whole group instruction and differentiated instruction that is standards-based and includes components aligned with the Science of Reading.

    In addition to the Core (Tier 1) Instruction, a student may need targeted intervention support in the form of Supplemental (Tier 2) and/or Intensive (Tier 3) Intervention. Based upon screening, diagnostic, statewide assessments, and other formative assessment data or through teacher observations, teachers will provide Supplemental (Tier 2) Intervention daily for students identified with a reading deficiency, and Supplemental (Tier 2) and Intensive (Tier 3) Intervention daily for any students who exhibit a substantial reading deficiency (Florida Statute 1008.25).

    Secondary Reading Intervention:
    The State of Florida requires that each student participate in the statewide, standardized assessment program and a coordinated screening and progress monitoring system. Each student who does not achieve a Level 3 or above on the statewide, standardized English Language Arts assessment must be evaluated to determine the nature of the student’s difficulty, the areas of academic need, and strategies for providing academic support to improve the student’s performance (Florida Statute 1008.25).

    In order to support these students, the School District of Palm Beach County has created a deliberate menu of evidence-based intervention options for schools. These options are based on reading support programs that are aligned to the needs of secondary students (CERP Rule 6A-6.053).