- Boca Raton Community High
- College and Career Center
- Checklists by Year
Students & Parents
Page Navigation
- Overview
- AP (Advanced Placement Program)
- Boca Raton High School Tours
- Choice & Career Academy Programs
- Choice and Career Options
- College and Career Center
- Course Selection
- Dual Enrollment
- Here Comes the Bus Information
- Parking Passes
- PTL (Permission to Leave)
- PTSA - Best North of the South Pole
- Student Clubs
- Tardy & Discipline Notifications
- Testing Corner
- Tutoring Options
Checklists by Year
Important Tips:
- Use the Boca High Academic Organizer to keep track of classes taken/need to take, grades, awards, certifications, accolades, community service, clubs, sports, work, etc.
- Seniors can use this to help them fill out their Common App, Coalition App, SSAR, SPARK, Scholarships, and to keep track of the colleges they're applying to.
- Join your Google Classroom and check it weekly for updates.
- Connect with Ms. Garofalo for essays
- Check your school email daily. If you cannot check it daily, please check it weekly.
- Do not send emails from your school email to outside of Palm Beach County Schools... you will not receive a reply as they will bounce.
- Seniors, do not use your school email when applying for college (use your personal email, and check it daily).
- Review your social media "image." Remember, colleges may look at your social media when considering you for their college.
- Need community service? Check the Community Service board by Student Services for new opportunities.
- Need to talk about life, relationships, testing strategies, etc? Make sure to reach out to your Boca High Counselor to find out more information.
- Use the Boca High Academic Organizer to keep track of classes taken/need to take, grades, awards, certifications, accolades, community service, clubs, sports, work, etc.
9th Grade
Your freshman year is the beginning of your high school career. Start off strong and remember that everything you do will be preparing you for your future.
Freshman and sophomore year are both too early to start prepping for standardized tests, but there are some things you can do to put your best foot forward for college applications!
Challenge Yourself
- Take honors/AP/IB classes
- Assume leadership roles
- Take the PSAT
Get Involved
- Clubs + Sports
- Work
- Volunteer
- Colleges to apply to
- Possible majors/careers
- Scholarships
- Improve your grammar
- Develop your writing skills
- Orient yourself with the College & Career Center. It is in Building 2
- Find out who your advisor/dean is and introduce yourself
- Choose a challenging class schedule
- Get involved on campus (club/team)
- Take school-wide PSAT (usually in October)
- Explore colleges & careers
- Explore potential majors
- Volunteer - earn community service
- Start working on a high school resume - make sure to fill out your Boca High Academic Organizer
- Start a Raise.me account and keep track of your accomplishments
- Choose challenging classes for 10th grade
- Plan for summer community service, internship or potential class (learn coding, or reinforce your math skills on Khan Academy
- Take FSAs & EOCs
- Take AICE & AP exams (if applicable)
- Make a list of things that interest you
- Perform any summer reading
- Community Service
- Update your Boca High Academic Organizer with your 2nd semester grades
- Take an assessment to figure out what you may want to do in the future.
- Big Future by College Board
- O*Net Interest Profiler
- Princeton Review (you will have to sign up for an account to see your results)
10th Grade
One year down and three more to go. Keep working hard and pushing for your goals.
Freshman and sophomore year are both too early to start prepping for standardized tests, but there are some things you can do to put your best foot forward for college applications!
Challenge Yourself
- Take honors/AP/IB classes
- Assume leadership roles
- Take the PSAT
Get Involved
- Clubs + Sports
- Work
- Volunteer
- Colleges to apply to
- Possible majors/careers
- Scholarships
- Improve your grammar
- Develop your writing skills
- Visit the College & Career Center
- Evaluate your course load and find out how much you know about college planning
- Choose a challenging class schedule
- Increase commitment with club/team
- Perform community service
- Take school-wide PSAT (usually in October)
- Continue to explore colleges & careers
- Volunteer - earn community service
- Add to your high school resume
- Add to your Raise.me account by keeping track of your accomplishments
- Choose challenging classes for 11th grade
- Take your PSAT 10 (usually in April)
- Plan for summer community service or internships
- Take FSAs and EOCs
- Take AICE & AP exams
- Look into and/or take SAT/ACT prep classes
- Perform any summer reading
- Community Service
- Take an assessment to figure out what you want to do in the future.
- Big Future by College Board
- O*Net Interest Profiler
- Princeton Review (you will have to sign up for an account to see your results)
11th Grade
Half way to graduation. Time to get focused on your future. This is the last opportunity to move and improve your GPA!
- Visit the College & Career Center
- Evaluate your course load and find out how much you know about college planning
- Choose a challenging class schedule
- Increase commitment with club/team
- Perform community service
- Start creating a list of scholarships you may be qualified to apply for. Find in your Google Classroom or in the College & Career Center.
- If you want to be qualified for National Merit Scholarship, register and take PSAT (on-campus and usually in October)
- Explore colleges (virtual/in-person visits) and narrow choices to 10 colleges
- Begin the College Board Opportunity Scholarship (December)
- Volunteer - earn community service
- Add to your high school resume
- Add to your Raise.me account by keeping track of your accomplishments
- Keep up grades! These will be important for all college applications
- Take SAT or prep for SAT
- Choose challenging classes for 12th grade
- Plan for summer community service or internships
- Take school-wide SAT (usually March/April)
- Take FSAs and EOCs (if applicable)
- Take AICE & AP exams (if applicable)
- Common App and Coalition App opens! Work on your essays!!
- Look into and/or take SAT/ACT prep classes
- Take SAT again to increase scores
- Start applying for scholarships
- Perform any summer reading
- Community Service
- Take an assessment to figure out what you want to do in the future.
- Big Future by College Board
- O*Net Interest Profiler
- Princeton Review (you will have to sign up for an account to see your results)
12th Grade
This is your last year! It is very exciting and goes by quickly...college applications and all of the senior festivities from Prom to Grad Bash and finally, Graduation. Finish your high school career in style by setting yourself up for the next chapter of your life. Finish strong!
- Visit the College & Career Center
- Time to start applying to colleges
- Have your college essays reviewed. Make an appointment with Ms. Garofalo
- Apply for the Bright Futures Scholarship
- Continue commitment with club/team
- Perform community service
- Start applying for scholarships you may be qualified to apply for.
- Find in your Google Classroom or in the College & Career Center.
- If you want to be qualified for National Merit Scholarship, register and take PSAT (on-campus and usually in October)
- Explore colleges (virtual/in-person visits) and narrow choices to 10 colleges
- Continue engaging in the tasks for the College Board Opportunity Scholarship
- Volunteer - earn community service
- Keep up grades! These will be important for all college acceptances.
- Let College & Career know which colleges you have been accepted to!
- Take any outstanding FSAs and EOCs
- Take AICE & AP exams (if applicable)
- Make your decision for which college you want to attend no later than May 1
- Get involved with senior events!
- Watch deadlines!
- Graduate!
- Get ready for your next step, whether it is college, tech school, gap year, military, or job.
- Wishing you the best of luck for the next chapter of your life!