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Other Letters of Recommendation
What other Letters of Recommendation are there?
- Though most applicants do not submit more letters than what is required, some colleges allow students to send additional recommendations beyond the required counselor or teacher letters. The application systems refer to these letter writers as Other Recommenders.
- Other colleges receive so many applications that extra recommendations are not accepted unless something substantial is added to your application.
Tip #1:
- You may want to share your completed Boca High Academic Organizer with the requested recommender.
Tip #2:
- Make sure you request your letter of recommendation at least one month before you need it.
What is an Other Recommender? What are some examples?
Other Recommenders are writers of additional letters beyond the teacher and counselor recommendations. They know you very well and have worked closely with you for an extended period of time (a summer or longer) and can therefore attest to a significant experience of yours by providing detailed testimonials of your character, abilities or contributions.
The number and types of Other Recommenders that a college accepts will be clearly specified in its application instructions. Examples include but not limited to:
- Employer
- Professor in a for-credit course taken at a college / summer course
- Internship Supervisor
- Research Director or Mentor
- Athletic Coach
- Extra-Curricular Club Sponsor
- Community Service Director
- Clergy or Spiritual Leader
- Visual or Performance Arts Director or Instructor
- College Access Counselor
- Peer (e.g., friend, co-worker, teammate, sibling)
- Parent or Guardian
Are letters from Other Recommenders accepted/required by most colleges?
- Most colleges do not require additional letters, but some will recommend, encourage, or allow optional letters from one or more additional writers if they offer different perspectives from what you have already provided in your application.
- It is important to note that most applicants do not send extra letters, and most colleges can make informed decisions based on the application materials they require.
How do I know if my colleges accept letters from Other Recommenders?
Check information resources in the following order:
- College admissions websites usually provide specific information about whether they will accept supplementary information from applicants. Search on the words “supplementary” or “additional” submissions or recommendations.
- The college’s online application system should clearly state the number and types of recommenders accepted. If a college accepts Other Recommenders, you will see a prompt for this. The platforms will restrict the number and types of Other Recommenders you can assign according to the specific college policy.
- In the Common Application, see the “Recommenders and FERPA” section for each college you are applying to. (Note: You may have to complete the Common App “Education” section first before the Recommenders section is viewable.)
- In the Coalition Application, see the allowed “Uploads” in the “Colleges” section.
- If your college (or a specific academic department) allows attachment of a portfolio (for auditions, artwork, research papers, etc.), sometimes the college will instead require or allow you to invite an Other Recommender to upload a letter to be attached to the portfolio. This is usually done through a third party app called SlideRoom, and prompts for these invitations will be clearly visible once you specify that you are submitting a portfolio through the Common or Coalition App systems.
- If neither the college admissions website nor the application system provides you with answers, call the admissions office directly. If the college accepts Other Recommendations, be sure to obtain instructions for how to send the extra letter.
What are good reasons for sending a letter from an Other Recommender?
- Your Other Recommender knows you very well and will be able to add another perspective and contribute substantial and relevant information not covered by your teachers or counselor.
- Your Other Recommender is able to confirm claims you have made in your application.
- Your counselor or teachers don’t know you well and you feel that the Other Recommender will provide more context regarding your qualities, enthusiasm about a subject area, or abilities that your other letter writers can’t provide.
- Your college recommends, suggests or encourages it.
When should I not send a letter from an Other Recommender?
- It doesn’t add new a perspective and would repeat information already provided by your other letter writers.
- The letter writer does not know you well.
- Your college specifically states that it does not accept extra letters.
- You’re name-dropping. A letter from a mayor, senator, illustrious alum, generous donor, or Nobel Prize-winning neighbor generally will not help and could hurt your application unless that person knows you well and has worked with you in some capacity for an extended period of time.
My college requires my counselor letter in paper format. What does the counseling office need from me?
On the rare occasion that your Counselor Letter must be mailed, include an envelope for each college that requires this form of submission:
- Place at least 3 stamps on the upper right hand corner.
- Write the college admission office's full address (found on the college admissions website) on the middle of the envelope.
Use the following for the sender's address (upper left corner):
- Your Counselor's (AP/Dean) Name, Boca Raton Community High School, 1501 NW 15th Ct, Boca Raton, FL 33486.
- Place all envelopes in a folder with your list of schools with addresses attached to the front and your Parents Brag Sheet. Make sure you have already shared (via Google) your completed Boca High Academic Organizer.
None of my schools require letters from other recommenders, but I have one who would write a letter for me. Should I ask them to write one anyway?
- If your college does not require a letter but recommends, encourages or accepts an optional letter, then by all means, ask your Other Recommender to write a letter if you think the letter would present or confirm a significant experience of yours.
- Note that even if you are restricted from submitting a letter from an Other Recommender, you will find that a reference letter from an employer, research advisor, or other adult with whom you have closely worked could provide support for later aspirations, such as a campus job or position in a lab. Some colleges, especially public institutions, do not accept recommendation letters through their application systems but may require them if you are applying to scholarships or honors programs after submission of your application.
What is a peer recommendation letter? Why do some colleges accept them? Whom should I ask?
- A letter from a peer attests to the experience of working alongside you, being your friend, or living with you. It can provide context as to what you would bring to the college community and how you would participate in or beyond the classroom as a fellow student or roommate. Some students submit letters from a friend or classmate, though colleges will also accept letters from a sibling (or another relative), best friend, co-worker, or teammate.
- Choose someone who knows you well and is able to provide details and examples of the reason others appreciate you. Of course, it helps if your peer recommender is a good writer. Ask your peer recommender well in advance, especially if he/she is also busy with college applications.
Why do some colleges accept recommendation letters from a parent or guardian? What should my parent write about?
- Parents or guardians can provide a unique perspective about applicants that are not revealed anywhere else in the application. A parent is privy to your long-term growth, special challenges you have overcome, your specific contributions to and responsibilities in your household, and of course, your character.
- Parents should provide anecdotes that attest to who you are today, what’s important to you, what you give up to help others, or your persistence in achieving a goal. Note that colleges are not looking for examples of who you were yesterday; the fact that you placed 1st in your second grade spelling bee is not helpful information for college admissions. Rather, anecdotes regarding recent history, such as how you spend several hours a day after school bagging groceries and driving your younger siblings before hitting the books, convey a narrative about your home life that colleges are eager to hear. However, information regarding significant past events, such as a childhood illness, divorce, or death in the family, present impactful connections to how you experience life today.
- Ask your parent to keep the focus on you, emphasizing topics and examples not already covered in your application or by other recommendation letter writers. Repetition of accomplishments already conveyed in the application wastes valuable space that can be used to give the admissions committee a glimpse of your home life.
What is the deadline for Other Recommender letter submission?
- Most colleges require all components of your application by the specified deadline for the application type you have chosen. However, colleges understand that the actual upload of your letter is completed by your recommender. A couple of weeks is the usual grace period for tardy writers, but the ultimate responsibility for informing and providing your recommender with materials in a timely manner is yours.
How and when should I ask my Other Recommender for a letter?
- Speak to your recommender personally and confirm that he/she is comfortable writing a letter for you. This should be done toward the end of or soon after your experience so that that they are able to recall and provide detailed anecdotes of your work and character. Writers should be given at least one month (or more if possible) before your earliest application deadline to compose a meaningful letter for you. Inform your recommender that you will not be able to view the letter.
- Ask your Other Recommender if he/she is comfortable with uploading letters. If so, obtain the email address that he/she prefers to use for communications from your colleges. If any of your colleges are Common Application or Coalition Application members, this email will also be used to invite your recommender to upload a letter directly to those systems through a provided link.
- If your Other Recommender would prefer to directly fax, email or mail the letter to your colleges, tell him/her that you will check with the colleges for further instructions.
- Don’t worry if you don’t have a finalized college application list before you initiate this conversation with your Other Recommender. He/she will able to begin composing your letter while you complete your college research. Return with instructions for each college well before your earliest deadline.
What materials should I obtain from and give to my Other Recommender?
- Obtain the email address they prefer to use for communication from your colleges. If any of your colleges are Common Application or Coalition Application members, this email will also be used to invite your recommender to upload a letter directly to those systems through a provided link.
- Provide your recommender with the following:
- A written reflection to help clarify and provide detail for what you would like highlighted in the letter.
- Identifying information to be included at the top of your letter. Typically this includes:
- The full name you will be using in your applications
- Date of birth
- High school name, city and state
- Once you have finalized your college list, additionally provide a list with deadlines and specific instructions for how to submit the letter to each college. If your recommender is uncomfortable with direct letter uploads to the systems, include instructions for alternative submission methods (email or mail) that you have confirmed with your colleges.
- Note: Some colleges that accept emailed letters of recommendation have security systems that do not allow them to open attachments. In these cases, be sure you include in your instructions that the letter should be included in the body of the email.
- If the letters must be mailed, provide stamped, pre-addressed envelopes. The college admissions website or office will provide you with the exact address.
How does my Other Recommender submit the letter?
- If you are applying to several colleges through the Common Application, the system will send an email to your Other Recommender with an invitation to upload the letter directly to the platform. The letter only needs to be uploaded once to the Common Application and your writer will not be able to see your college list. The system will attach the letter to your application for those colleges which you have chosen to assign the recommender. Your recommender will be able to upload the letter before or after your application is submitted.
- If you are applying to colleges through the Coalition Application, the submission process is similar to the Common App procedure.
- If your Other Recommender is uncomfortable with uploads through emailed invitations, provide them with instructions for alternative means of submission (fax, email or mail) obtained directly from the college admissions offices.
How can I tell if my recommender has submitted their letter? Will I be able to read the letter once my other recommender uploads it to my application system?
- The Other Recommenders section of the Common and the Coalition Application systems will indicate that the letter was submitted by your recommender. You will not be able to view the letter.
- Other application systems may or may not provide this information. Speak to your letter writer, and if the letter has been submitted, call the admissions office for verbal confirmation of receipt.
How do I know if my college has received the Other Recommender's Letter?
After you submit the main application, most colleges will provide a portal and login where you can track all required components of your application.
If your Other Recommender letter was not a requirement, then it will likely not be reflected in the college portal’s “received” list.
- If the letter was submitted by or soon after the deadline through the Common, Coalition or college-specific application website, the submission status will be clearly noted on the site’s Recommenders page and you can be assured that the college has downloaded the letter and added it to your file.
- If the letter was submitted through the electronic application more than several days after the deadline or it was submitted via email or snail mail, call the college admissions office and request verbal confirmation.