- Boca Raton Community High
- College and Career Center
- Accepted to College
- Paying for College
Students & Parents
Page Navigation
- Overview
- AP (Advanced Placement Program)
- Boca Raton High School Tours
- Choice & Career Academy Programs
- Choice and Career Options
- College and Career Center
- Course Selection
- Dual Enrollment
- Here Comes the Bus Information
- Parking Passes
- PTL (Permission to Leave)
- PTSA - Best North of the South Pole
- Student Clubs
- Tardy & Discipline Notifications
- Testing Corner
- Tutoring Options
College isn't cheap!
There are various ways to pay for college: financial aid (grants/loans), Florida Pre-pay, and scholarships. It is never too early to start doing research.
Scholarships and Scholarship Search Sites
- District Scholarship Resources
- Raise.me Micro-scholarship website
- College Raptor
- Free scholarship matching service provided by the School District of Palm Beach County
- StudentAid.gov /scholarships
- Cappex
- Scholarships.com
- Going Merry
- Niche
- CareerOneStop.org
- Fastweb
- QuestBridge
- Chegg Scholarships
- Scholly
- Big Future College Board website
When to begin researching scholarships
- It is never too early to start your research.
- Grab the bulletins and verify if you qualify.
- Keep a list of scholarships you may qualify for (freshmen, sophomores, juniors). Use your Boca High Academic Organizer to keep track of potential scholarship opportunities.
- Seniors...apply for every qualified scholarship. Remember, even the smaller scholarships start adding up!
- You should never pay for a scholarship search engine, nor should you pay an application fee!