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Bright Futures
The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program has helped more than 725,000 Florida students attend a postsecondary institution. Bright Futures awards include: Florida Academic Scholars award (FAS), Florida Medallion Scholars award (FMS), Florida Gold Seal CAPE Scholars award (GSC) and the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award (GSV). Apply this scholarship toward in-state tuition. Get all four years of your undergraduate degree paid for.
How to fill out the application
To Apply: - Go to the website.
- Click on Create a Student Account under First-Time Applicants.
- Under Profile complete all Demographic and Contact information.
- Including your SSN is strongly suggested or input your FLE ID (50+student number).
- High School Graduation Date - Enter "May 20" of your senior year (Note: This date is not official, the actual date has not been released and will not until late December/early January).
- Provide the email address that is best for receiving official communication from Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA). You may provide an alternate email address as well. Do not use your school email address!
- Click Submit to proceed.
- Once submitted, you will receive a personal User ID & Password (take a picture or write down information).
- Click on Complete FFAA promptly or log-in using User ID & Password.
- When initially logging-in you will be prompted to create a new Password.
FFAA Application
Use the following information to help you complete the FFAA Application, which must be complete as part of the Bright Futures Application.
- Demographic & Contact information (already populated from when you created your account, see above).
- Florida Legal Residence: Choose yes.
- U.S. Citizenship: Choose yes or no.
- Convicted of a Crime: Be careful! Choose no, unless you have been convicted of a felony or 1st degree misdemeanor.
- Deceased or Disabled Veteran: Choose no, unless you have a parent who was a Military Veteran and is deceased or disabled.
- Rosewood is a scholarship for minority black students who are descendants of the Rosewood incident of January 1923. Only answer yes if you are sure this applies to you.
- If you or one of your natural parents is Hispanic-American answer yes.
- Florida Farmworker: Only answer yes if you have a parent who is a Florida Farmworker.
- Click Next.
- .Academic Background High School Enrollment
- Will Graduate from a Florida High School: Choose yes.
- FL High School Graduation Option: Choose Public.
- Select District: From drop down menu choose Palm Beach, Florida School District.
- Select High School: From drop down menu choose Boca Raton Community High School.
- Are you an AICE or IB Student: Choose yes or no.
- Academic Background: PostSecondary Plans
- Have you earned a baccalaureate Degree: Choose no.
- Classification: From drop down menu choose Freshman (1st time in College) if you have never taken any dual enrollment or Freshman (with previous college).
- Indicate whether you plan on going to a college/university Out-of-State or In-State.
- Institute where you are planning to attend: Use the drop down menu to indicate In-State colleges/universities (this should be your top choice school).
- Choose up to four other schools you would like to have the information shared with. These choices may be changed at a later date.
- Click Next.
- After completing all required sections, click the “Submit” button at the bottom to process your application.
Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) has created a step by step Reference Guide (PDF) to help you through the application process.
Tip #1:
Fill this form out as soon as you can. It takes only 15 minutes.
Tip #2: Make sure to log back in to verify your status in April and May. If there is a discrepancy, see your Dean/AP immediately to figure out what the issue may be
Tip #3: Remember, your status may update in June/July after they receive the AICE status update in the same month.
- Students must apply for the Bright Futures Scholarship by submitting the Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) no later than August 31 after high school graduation. The application opens October 1.
- Students must complete the FAFSA application regardless if you are applying for Financial Aid. If you are eligible for the Bright Futures Scholarship, this application must be completed because you are receiving money from the State.
- Be a Florida resident and a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, as determined by the student's postsecondary institution.
- Earn a standard Florida high school diploma or its equivalent from a Florida public high school or a registered Florida Department of Education (FDOE) private high school; or complete a home education program.
- Not have been found guilty of, or pled nolo contendere, to a felony charge, unless the student has been granted clemency by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the Executive Office of Clemency.
- Be accepted by and enroll in a degree or certificate program at an eligible Florida public or independent postsecondary institution.
- Be enrolled for at least 6 non-remedial semester credit hours (or the equivalent in quarter or clock hours) per term.
- If not funded in the academic year immediately following high school graduation, apply within two years of high school graduation to have your award reinstated.
How to earn the Bright Futures Scholarship
There are two paths to earn the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship: earn your AICE Diploma OR earn the scholarship based upon specific criteria (see below).
AICE Diploma Requirements:
- Earn 7 credits by passing AS Global Perspectives and at least one exam from three different subject groups (within 25 months)
- Complete 100 community service hours
- Submit Bright Futures application
Earn either the Florida Academic Scholars, Florida Medallion Scholars, or the Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award based upon the following criteria:
- SAT/ACT test scores
- Community Service
- Completing specific classwork
What each award covers:
- Florida Academic Scholars (FAS): Students will receive an award to cover 100% of tuition and applicable fees.
- Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS): Students will receive an award to cover 75% of tuition and applicable fees.