- Boca Raton Community High
- College and Career Center
- After High School
Students & Parents
Page Navigation
- Overview
- AP (Advanced Placement Program)
- Boca Raton High School Tours
- Choice & Career Academy Programs
- Choice and Career Options
- College and Career Center
- Course Selection
- Dual Enrollment
- Here Comes the Bus Information
- Parking Passes
- PTL (Permission to Leave)
- PTSA - Best North of the South Pole
- Student Clubs
- Tardy & Discipline Notifications
- Testing Corner
- Tutoring Options
After High School
Important Things to Consider
Attending a university is not always the best route for every student, and making that determination has its challenges. However, here are the possible continuing educating options after high school graduation.
- Gap Year.
- Join the military.
- Learn a trade or earn a certification in 1-2 years.
- Attend community college: Earn a 2 year degree at any state school and have guaranteed admission into the university system!
- College/University.
Need help figuring out what to do?
- Use College Board's Career Finder to help narrow down or guide you on your potential college major.
- Career Assessment - My Next Move and CareerOneStop are career exploration sites with interactive tools to help students of all ages research possible career options. Through various evaluations, you can learn more about yourself, your interests, skills and work values. Use the results to find career options that match your abilities.
- My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. The site has tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. Users can find careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person's interests and level of work experience.
- Take the Path Assessment to identify your work traits and behaviors and to find opportunities where you are most likely to succeed. (10 minutes).
- Career Zone is a website that will allow you to take a career assessment to see what you might be interested in doing in the future, see what your choices entail, and more!
- Career Ship.
- CareerOneStop’s Skills Matcher shows how your skills relate to a potential career. You can also view the skills necessary for a current or future job.
- Education Planner has a career assessment tool for help finding a career that suits you. You'll also find tips on completing college applications and tools to help you decide among colleges once you've been accepted.
- Want more? Do a Google search for "college major quiz", complete one or more, and find out your strengths.
- Check out the 50 Fastest-Growing Occupation Projections in Florida (2018).
- MyFloridaFuture, a college and career planning tool dedicated to providing students and parents with a wealth of information to help make better-informed decisions about educational options in the State University System (SUS) of Florida. The interactive site will allow you to explore data at the System level and by individual institutions, including information on salary, graduate employment, student debt, and additional educational opportunities.
- Earnings Over Time
- Beyond Bachelor's Degree
- Typical Loan Amounts
- Compare Earnings
- Earnings by Major Group
- Loans Over Time