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2 Year Degree Transfer
Florida’s 2+2 Program allows students to transition seamlessly from a state college to a state university. Nearly two-thirds of Florida's high school graduates attend a state college and more than 50% of upperclassmen in the state's universities started their postsecondary education in a state college.
Students who earn an Associate of Arts from a state college fulfill the general education requirements for a baccalaureate degree and are guaranteed admission to one of the 12 state universities, although not necessarily the university of their choice. Additionally, state colleges and universities must accept credit for courses with a statewide course number.
Florida Public Colleges
The following are the 28 member colleges of the Florida College System:
Broward College
Chipola College
College of Central Florida
Daytona State College
Eastern Florida State College
Florida Gateway College
College of the Florida Keys
Florida Southwestern State College
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Gulf Coast State College
Hillsborough Community College
Indian River State College
Lake Sumter State College
Miami Dade College
North Florida College
Northwest Florida State College
Palm Beach State College
Pasco-Hernando State College
Pensacola State College
Polk State College
St Johns River State College
St Petersburg College
Santa Fe College
Seminole State College of FL
South Florida State College
State College of Florida
Tallahassee Community College
Valencia College