- Boca Raton Community High
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What is the difference between a college and a university?
- A university is typically a higher education institution that offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Universities tend to be large institutions with multiple buildings on campus. They usually have multiple schools within their systems, such as the School of Arts, the School of Sciences, and others. Universities usually offer a broad scope of majors and programs.
- Colleges are usually smaller in size and they tend not to offer as many majors and programs as universities. Typically colleges do not grant graduate degrees, however there are many exceptions to that rule. Many colleges that offer Master programs choose to leave the word 'college' in their names out of respect to their traditions and history.
Choices for colleges and universities:
- In state/Out of state
- The State University System of Florida (SUSF or SUS) is a system of twelve public universities in the U.S. state of Florida.
- There are almost 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States
- Ivy League Colleges
- Public/Private
- Florida has 53 private colleges and 40 public colleges
- 2 year/4 year
Steps to Choosing a School
Step 1: Choosing a college, consider these factors
Think about what factors are important to you in selecting a college:
- Majors/Academic Programs
- Size: Small, Medium, Large
- Location/Campus Environment
- Cost: Paying for College
- Campus Life/Activities
- Selectivity: How Hard is it to Get In?
Identify your priorities from Step 1, then start your list of colleges by visiting Step 2 and exploring the resources below:
Use Step 3 to access the resources below and learn more about the schools on your list:
- College Comparison Worksheet
- Majors Comparison Worksheet
- Visiting Colleges
- Resources-Books
- Resources-Online
- Resources-People
- College Websites
Refine your list by sorting and categorizing. Visiting Step 4 will help you do the following:
- Balance your list!
- Safety
- Target
- Reach
- Demonstrate interest