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Ivy League
A highly selective college is one that has very competitive admission standards and a very low acceptance rate, because of its highly recognized name and top academic programs and faculty.
These schools typically admit only 25% or fewer of the students who apply. Out of over 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S., approximately 50 are considered highly selective, and approximately 15 of these campuses accept 10% or less of applicants.
The Ivy League schools are even higher than the highly selective colleges and only admit approximately 4% of all applicants.
Tip #1:
Show demonstrated interest in ALL schools to which your are applying. The graphic shows examples of demonstrated interest. You can also print this Demonstrated Interest Check List to help keep track of your demonstrated interest for each school.
Showing demonstrated interest in your safety schools is just as important as it is for your target and reach schools.
What do I need to do to get into an Ivy League School?
- Good grades and test scores. If your goal is to enter an Ivy League school, you will need outstanding grades and test scores. According to The National Association for College Admission Counseling, these are the two most important factors for a student trying to get into a highly-selective university. Course rigor is important.
- Apply early (early decision or early action). By applying this way, you significantly boost your chances of getting into one of the Ivy League elite universities. Take note, however, that you can only apply early decision for one university so choose wisely. Make sure that you only apply in advance if you’re sure about the university you want. Once you are accepted under early decision (ED), you will have to withdraw from all the other schools you’ve applied to. You also need to be fully committed to attending that university. Early action (EA) is another option for students-unlike ED, this method of application is not binding.
- Make an exceptional personal statement. Personal statements play a crucial role in your journey to the Ivies. You’re likely applying to the Ivy League through the Common Application, so you need a winning statement to set yourself apart from the hundreds of thousands of ambitious and bright individuals.
- Have true depth in your extra curricular activities. Think of extracurricular activities with regards to depth instead of breadth. They want to see integration (how it fits into your overall story), continuity (meaningful amount of time and a potential to continue in college), and significance (a deep impact - more than just leadership, potentially publication or other significant addition).
- Have a well thought out High School Curriculum. Your focus should be on the critical academic areas: language, science, math, and English. Be sure to excel in these areas for a greater chance at landing a spot in the Ivies. While AP classes like AP Music Theory, AP Statistics, and AP Psychology are okay to take if your school offers them, these subjects do not carry the same weight as core courses like AB Biology and AP Literature.
- Recommendation Letters. Make sure you get 1-2 meaningful recommendation letters.
- Do well in your interview. Get ready to be interviewed by an alum of the university to which you are applying. Although the interview is not the most important part of your college application, it has an impact on you being accepted or rejected in the university that you like. Prepare so you don't stumble over answers. Always be personable and polite when responding to questions. Ivy League interviews are generally friendly exchanges in which your interviewer tries to get to know you better.
What do I need to do to get into an Ivy League school?
Strategic Application Plan and Timetable
Application to highly selective schools requires a thoughtful and thorough examination and explanation of your abilities, achievements, and your goals. You must clearly convey your strengths, who you are, why you are interested in a specific college, how you will use the resources, and what you will add to campus life.
In addition, you will need to determine the timing of your application; if you want to apply to the college “early decision” or “early action”, or during the regular admission deadline. If you know where you want to go, some colleges may have higher acceptance rates for students who apply early action or early decision, especially for those with a talent that the college needs to fill in a particular year.
Each part should be thoughtfully crafted and connected, including:
- Application Format: Thoughtful answers to the general information questions of the application (name, contact information, address, family information, possible area of study, planned tests, etc.)
- Control of your Social Media: This factor has prevented many students from being accepted and caused some students to lose their acceptance. Every contact and record you give to colleges should accurately reflect the way you present yourself in your application. Consider your phone message, email address, and all forms of social media. What are colleges able to see from their connection to your social media accounts?
- High School Transcript: Accurate 9th-11th grade transcript, and plans to submit transcripts for the fall and spring of the senior year. (If appropriate, use essay opportunities to address any weakness in your transcript that may reflect a time of personal challenge or growth, and a current time of new resiliency.
- Standardized Test Scores: Record of test scores sent to colleges directly from CollegeBoard.com for the SAT, and from act.org for the ACT test results. Also include AP and IB scores, or other pertinent measurements of your knowledge. Forms will also ask for upcoming test types and dates.
- List of Activities: Meaningful and complete resume of your interests beyond the classroom, and any honors or recognition that you have received.
- One or More Essays: Well-written essays that reveal your interests, character, personality, unique experiences, and confirm your goals. On supplemental essays written to each college, include the reasons for your specific interest in that campus.
- Letters of Recommendation: Strong letters of recommendation from your counselor and core academic teachers, who can confirm you academic talent and ability. Others may be included to confirm specific talents, interests, and passions.
- Extra, additional evidence of your interests, talent, skill: YouTube videos, Google Docs, Drop Box, the Coalitions Application “Locker,” etc.
As you craft your application, think about what you want to say about yourself to each college and determine which part of your application will convey the information you are trying to communicate. Ideally, when all the elements of your application are read together, they will demonstrate who you are, what you want, and why you are a perfect fit for a particular school.
Rigorous Transcript & Top Grades
First and foremost, schools will review the content and rigor of your high school courses and the grades you received. Highly selective schools anticipate that you will have taken the most challenging college preparatory, advanced, honors, AP, or AICE courses in high school and that you have been successful in those classes. Include known scores of AP and AICE exams, and dates of exams that you plan to take.
Excellent ACT/SAT Scores
Excellent test scores are ideal for serious consideration by highly selective schools, and you should devote extra time for test preparation. Take the ACT and the SAT by the spring of junior year so that there is plenty of time to decide which to pursue, and for additional preparation to take tests again in the fall, if necessary to improve scores. The PSAT that is given in the fall of the junior year is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship program. It is optional, but for students applying for highly selective colleges we recommend taking it. Learn more about college applications testing.
TIP: If a highly selective school does not actually require something but “recommends” it, you should consider that recommendation as a direction to do it. The students who are competing with you will be doing so. For these colleges, you should take these exams if you are qualified to do so.
Unique Service or Accomplishment
Having an essential leadership role in a club, community service organization or entrepreneurial enterprise is an important addition to your resume and can be highly regarded by admissions officers. Ideally, you will have engaged in authentic, committed service to an organization over 3-4 years rather than a longer list of activities and organizations with only surface-level involvements.
Evaluate interests and strengths early on in school, community, national or global involvement, or competitions, and find opportunities to explore that interest in depth. This might include: academic subjects and competitions (including STEM), athletics, fine arts, or a unique interest or passion unrelated to school. Genuine commitment in these fields might be demonstrated through honors and awards, research and publication, volunteering in these areas, participation in summer programs and internships, etc.
Exceptional Talents or Passions
Selective colleges are seeking students who have demonstrated their developed talent and passion in some aspect of their extracurricular or academic lives. This might include athletics, performing/visual arts, among many other types of documented special and developed abilities. As a result, you should evaluate your interests and strengths early on and then find opportunities to go deeper in those areas. Choosing one or two interests and achieving real excellence is preferable to trying to “do it all” on a modest basis.
Depth in these fields might be demonstrated through honors and awards, competition results, letters from noted people involved in the area of performance. Students often include evidence of their abilities through videos, YouTube, Google docs, Drop Box, etc. It will also be important to contact the coaches, professors, or representatives on campus who will be interested in verifying your talent, recruit you, and represent you to the admissions officers.
Strong Letters of Recommendation
For highly selective colleges, letters of recommendation are invaluable and sometimes, they are the first items that are read from all of the application materials. It is important to give accurate information to your counselor so that they can represent you in terms of your character, personality, goals, and growth at Fairview. It is important for your core academic teachers to write about you as a student scholar and your performance and in the classroom, not about your extracurricular activities. Be sure to give your counselor and teachers appropriate and meaningful information from which to write your letters.
Confident Personal Interview
Interviewing with campus or local admissions representatives (and coaches, if appropriate). In interviews, clearly convey who you are, what you will bring to campus, and why you are interested in the school.
Demonstrated Interest in the College
Sometimes, highly qualified students are rejected by admissions officers because they do not show enough special interest in the campus. Showing your high level of interest in the college campus through research, communication (including following the school's social media), and gathering information during campus visits where you show and state/record your interest from attending a class, speaking with faculty your intended major or interest, and meeting students.
If visiting the campus is not possible, find out all you can from websites, virtual tours, and attend all possible meetings when the college representative is in our area. See more info about visiting colleges.
Affiliations/Connections with the College
Having an affiliation with a highly selective school can sometimes give you an advantage in the application process. Some examples include being a legacy with a parent alumnus, having a relative who is either a high level government official or a member of the faculty, having a special celebrity status, or donating a large amount of funding to the university.
If you have an affiliation, you will likely mention it in your application, but the affiliation alone will not guarantee an acceptance. You must keep the emphasis of your application information on your qualifications.
The Universities in the Ivy League
- Avg GPA: 4.08
- Avg SAT: 1470
- Avg ACT: 34
- Avg GPA: 4.13
- Avg SAT: 1520
- Avg ACT: 33
- Avg GPA: 4.07
- Avg SAT: 1480
- Avg ACT: 34
- Avg GPA: 4.10
- Avg SAT: 1580
- Avg ACT: 34
- Avg GPA: 4.18
- Avg SAT: 1515
- Avg ACT: 35
- Avg GPA: 3.90
- Avg SAT: 1505
- Avg ACT: 34
- Avg GPA: 3.90
- Avg SAT: 1570
- Avg ACT: 34
- Avg GPA: 4.14
- Avg SAT: 1560
- Avg ACT: 35