- Christa McAuliffe Middle
- Physical Education (PE)
All About Physical Education (PE)
PE in middle school is a big change for students, as they will meet every day, and they will earn a grade in this class. That, in itself, is a big aspect that the kids take time adjusting to, but once we get the ball rolling, the students really enjoy stepping away from other academics and their chairs and physically get moving while learning about health and fitness.
- PE classes meet every day! We are a graded class, which means we have standards-based assignments, tests, and other assessments. We also have make-up work for days missed!
- Students will be expected to dress out in their PE uniforms for every class. (dressing out is part of their grades and helps with basic hygiene) PE uniforms are gray CMMS shirts and blue or black shorts.
- We sell uniforms ($12 shirts/ $12 shorts) and you can also purchase your PE locks / locker rental ($12) online. Lockers are not mandatory, but are helpful. You can order these online.
- We go outside a lot! Kids, shoes, and clothes will get dirty.
- Students are expected to have a water bottle or sports drink to help them stay hydrated.
- Physical Education (PE) is about moving and learning about being fit. We want the kids to actively participate to the best of their abilities every day.
- Kids will get sweaty. Kids will get very sweaty and smelly. We recommend deodorant.
- Locker rooms are used for dressing out. Students are responsible for their belongings and locking their lockers. Labeling water bottles and clothing helps to prevent loss!
- Dodgeball is a movie, not a game we play.
- Studies show that kids who exercise regularly have increased oxygen flow to their brains, resulting in higher brain functioning. (Yes – we’re making your kids smarter!)
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
Coach Kristen Frazer (6th Grade)
Coach Michael Dragovich (7th Grade)
Coach Kevin Williams (8th Grade)