Morning / After-School Program

  • The Child Care Program is a before and after school program for students to remain safe and secure in a familiar environment. Time is set aside for academics, which includes homework completion, science enrichment activities, reading remediation, and math instruction. Time is also set aside for recreation, which includes basketball, flag football, step team, arts and crafts, and other activities.

    General Information

    The Before School Program begins promptly at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 9:00 a.m.
    • It operates Monday through Friday, beginning on 2nd day of school.
    • The Before School teacher will pick students up at 7:00 a.m. at the front of the school and bring them to the cafeteria.
    • Late students can head directly to the cafeteria.


    The After-School Program begins promptly at 4:05 p.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. 

    • It operates Monday through Thursday, beginning in mid-August. (No after school on Fridays)
    • Snacks will be provided.
    • Two activity buses are provided to transport students home but have limited bus stops on their routes.


    Students must turn in a completed application in order to participate in the Before and After School program. Applications may be found in our Main Office. 

    • An application fee of $25 is required for all students joining the program. 
    • Morning / After School Rate is $2.50 per hour.
    • Students who are on Free & Reduced lunch are able to attend the After-School Program free of charge per month.

    Contact After School Program Director Mr. Jean Jabouin for more information.