Media Center

  • The media program offers 21st century instruction and technology, as well as the latest print and electronic collections for all of our students, parents, and teachers. Our Media Center programs increase students' reading skills while fostering a love for reading, which is a fundamental part of academic growth and improvement. Our media programs enhance information literacy, motivating students to enjoy reading, and to make it an essential part of their lives.

  • The Media Center will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    Media Center: Fines
    Students will be assessed the full cost of books not returned promptly and placed on the obligation list until payment is received. If the book is returned, the fine will be deleted immediately. If the book is returned after payment, a full refund will be provided for the student.

    The Media Specialist has the right to assess damaged library materials and determine fines based on damage up to the replacement cost.

    Media Center: Circulation of Books and Materials

    • Books may be checked out for two weeks but may be renewed until another request for them is made.
    • Students may only check out books for themselves.
    • Students must have a Royal Palm Beach Community High School picture ID to check out books and materials.
    • Each student who has been issued a Chromebook/ charger is responsible for that device.
    • Fees will be assessed for lost, stolen, or damaged Chromebooks/ chargers and recorded in the student’s obligation record.

    Media Center: Services
    Printing of documents from School District computers is available to Royal Palm Beach High School students at no cost.

    Media Center: Technology Services
    Student access to district technology resources anywhere on the school campus is authorized exclusively for academic purposes. Such resources include email, Internet access, electronic records and databases, and computer software and hardware. Students shall not use any such resources for private business, personal use or gain, non-curricular-related computer gaming, and/or non-curricular-related Internet browsing. The district has established guidelines that detail the accepted standards of behavior for students while using district technology. Violation of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.