Dismissal Procedures

  • At Calusa we utilize a staggered system for dismissal. This ensures a coordinated and organized dismissal procedure for all students. 

    Bus Riders - Students are called by their bus and attendance is taken as students board. Should a bus be exceptionally late for some reason, parents will be notified through a parent link text, call or email.

    Car Riders - Students are dismissed by Curbsmart numbers. Each student is given a Curbsmart number and parents are given a tag to hang in their rearview mirror. As parents enter the car line, the staff inputs the Curbsmart number and the student is then alerted to leave the classroom to go to the car line for pickup. This prevents large numbers of students waiting outside at any one time. 

    Bikers/Walkers - Students are dismissed directly at the exit gate. Staff is on hand to ensure a smooth transition. If students are walking home alone (or with a younger student), parents should alert the teacher. There are crossing guards for about 20 minutes surrounding dismissal for walkers/bikers. No student is allowed to cross through the carline for walking / cycling home. Students MUST remain on the sidewalk as they walk / bike. 

    Early Dismissal - In order to ensure organized dismissal preparation in the classrooms, early dismissal students must be picked up by 1:30 PM in the front office.