- Crystal Lakes Elementary
- Dismissal Procedures
Students & Parents
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Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please be patient and courteous in the drop-off lines and allow plenty of time for yourself in the morning. With approximately 750 students, the car lines may be long. Car lines are not as long between 7:25 AM - 7:35 AM. Remember that rules are for everyone’s safety, and it is very important that all parents and students follow the rules. All early dismissals must be completed by 1:00 PM. Any changes to dismissal need to be notified to the front office by 1:30 PM.
We will have staff and patrols with badges who will serve as escorts to help the younger children find their classrooms in the morning for the first few weeks of school.
Parents Drop-Off and Pick-Up Main Lot
Middle Lane of the Parking Lot: 2nd - 5th Grade ONLY. This line is open from 7:30 AM – 7:55 AM. DO NOT drop off before that time, as there is no one at the crosswalk to safely get your student across the Curbside car line.
Curbside (Main) Lane at the Front of the School: KG - 5th. Drop-off begins at 7:20 AM. Drop-off before 7:20 AM is highly discouraged as there is no one on campus to provide supervision to your child.
When in car line, pull all the way up to the end of the sidewalk at the Kindergarten building as directed by school staff. Students must exit and enter the vehicle ONLY on the curbside (passenger side). We will have Safety Patrols and adults to assist the younger children to class. You will receive a Parent Pick-Up sign for your vehicle window. Please display it upon entering campus for arrival and dismissal. Parents have to remain in vehicles at all times.
Please refrain from using your cell phone in the drop-off and pick-up line. Cell phone usage delays parents' pick-up and drop-off and is a safety issue.
For safety reasons, we ask that you do not park and walk your children through the drop-off / pick-up line.
Please do not block the entrance lane into the main lot as this prevents delivery trucks, service vehicles and other non-parent vehicles from being able to get on campus prior to the start of dismissal.
Pick-up takes place in our main lot for car riders. Parents are required to have their child’s Curbsmart and car tag present in the window. If there is no tag, the adult picking up will be required to come into the front office and present ID for pick-up. Pick up begins at 2:05 PM. We ask for parents to be patient during the car line, pull all the way forward, and follow the direction of the staff members in the car line. All students are to be picked up before 2:35 PM.
Late Pick Up Fee:
After 2:35 PM, any student who is not picked up may endure a late pick-up fee after 2:35 PM. We understand emergencies happen, and we expect parents to contact the front office immediately to notify us of the concern and the late arrival. The first late pickup charge per family per fiscal year is waived up to 15 minutes. Families are responsible for fees incurred beyond the first fifteen minutes of the first late pickup. For every minute that a parent/guardian is late in picking up their child, a late pick-up fee of $1.00 per minute per family must be charged.VPK Parent Drop Off/Pick Up
Our VPK program will drop off and pick up using the curb in the staff parking near the bus loop. DO NOT park, just pull up in line and your child will be brought to you to sign in / out.
Car Rider Arrival:
- Drop off begins at 7:40 AM and ends at 7:55 AM.
- Pull forward to the cone, closing all gaps.
- If you need to unbuckle your child, pull to the front of the line so you are not interrupting the flow of the line.
- Remain in your vehicle. A staff member or Safety Patrol will come to the car to retrieve your child.
- Your child should have their belongings ready to go.
- Remain off your cellphone at all times
- If you come after 7:58 AM, you need to bring your child to the front office for late arrival.
Walker Arrival:
- Let your child’s teacher know what gate you will be arriving at; main, east or west.
- An adult will be at the gate to retrieve your child.
- Do not cross the bus gate loop to drop-off your child at the car line gate. This is to ensure you and your child’s safety. There is no crosswalk there.
- Pick Up begins 1:50 PM until 2:05 PM.
- After 1:55 PM, you will need to come to the main office of the school to retrieve your child.
- Siblings of Pre-K students will arrive closer to 1:55 PM and will walk to your vehicle.
- Pull forward to the cone, closing all gaps.
- If you need to buckle your child, pull to the front of the line so you are not interrupting the flow of the line.
- Remain in your vehicle. A staff member or Safety Patrol will come to the car with your child.
- Remain off your cellphone at all times
Walker Dismissal:
- Let your child’s teacher know what gate you will be arriving at; main, east or west, in advance through email.
- Your child will be brought to the assigned gate at 2:10 PM.
ESE Program Car Riders:
Arrival: 8:00 AM in the Bus Loop with your Curbsmart Tag
Dismissal: 1:35 PM in the Bus Loop with Your Curbsmart TagWalkers and Bikers
Walkers and bikers should exit through the gate in the direction of their development. Parents should wait outside the gate until the students are dismissed. We will dismiss walkers/bikers on rainy days unless there is lightning in the immediate area. If you plan to change your regular dismissal plan on a rainy day, please share your arrangements with your child’s teacher and the front office by 1:30 PM. Your child should know what to do at dismissal time on a rainy day.
Bus Loop
This is reserved for BUSES ONLY. No cars are allowed into the bus loop to drop-off or pick-up children. In addition, no cars may park or drop off students on Gateway Boulevard. The parking lot located in the bus loop is for staff only.
Additional Safety Rules
Please use the sidewalks and the crosswalks. Sidewalks are to be used for walking only. We ask students to walk their bikes upon entering campus to the bike rack to ensure the safety of pedestrians on the sidewalk. Please do not walk your dogs onto the school grounds when you walk your children to and from school.
Please do not block the entrance lane into the main lot as this blocks delivery trucks, service vehicles and other non-parent vehicles from being able to get on campus prior to the start of dismissal.
Bus Riders
ROAR expectations are to be followed while riding the bus. Voice level 1, remain in assigned seat, have student ID badge visible, and remain seated with seatbelt buckled at all times. Bus transportation is available for those who need it and are eligible for a bus. Bus route information is available on the School District Website. Parents should go online to Register Your Ride.