SY25 Curtain Calls - Registration

  • The Curtain Calls Morning & After Care Program is a safe place for all students. Parents can register their child for the program using the link below. There is a $35 registration fee that must be submitted on 'school cash online'. The registration is required unless you provide proof of documentation stating eligibility for free and reduced lunch. Please attach the form to the registration.  The hourly rate has been increased to $3.70.  Starting in September, all after school programs will transition to a new system, "Eleyo" and no longer use School Cash Online (see SY25 Curtain Calls Morning and After Care tab). Eleyo will be used for attendance, billing and payments.This will require parents to re-register their child for the program. Additional information and specific instructions will be sent so that parents are able to apply/re-apply for both morning and after school care. Please contact Curtain Calls Director, for additional questions.