IB Career Program

  • The International Baccalaureate Career Program is a college-level, two-year course of study that spans Grades 11 and 12 and is available to our IIT students. Suncoast High School has been authorized to offer IB CP since 2014 and students who enter the program must be dedicated to completing the full career program experience. The IB Career Program allows our IIT students to complete two IB courses, in addition to the IB Career Program Core, enclosed within these pages. These include: the Personal and Professional Skills course, the Service Learning component, the Language Development component, and the Reflective Project. The IB Career Program Core works with our  IIT students’ career pathway courses and integrates the career-related content into a rigorous framework of education.  

    CP Core

    Personal and Professional Skills Course

    The Personal and Professional Skills course is a two-year course and a required component of the IB Career Program. This course aims to develop responsibility, good intellectual habits, ethical understanding, perseverance, an appreciation of identity and perspective, and an understanding of the modern world. In the Personal and Professional Skills course students explore five themes: personal development, intercultural understanding, effective communication, thinking processes, and applied ethics. Students will also apply time towards their other CP core components. 

    Service Learning

    A core component of the IB Career Program is Service Learning. Students select a Service Learning project and complete 50 hours  of service in an identified community need. Through the Service Learning project students apply the skills they are developing in the Personal and Professional Skills course and apply personal and social skills in real-life situations involving decision-making, responsibility, and accountability for their actions. 

    Language Development

    The language development core component is implemented through the IB Personal and Professional Skills course. This is a two-year course that all CP candidates are required to complete at Suncoast. Suncoast uses the online language program Rosetta Stone for Schools.  Class time is given to students to work on Rosetta Stone lessons, assignments for the language development component, and their portfolios. Rosetta Stone for Schools offers over 20 languages to study. 

    The Reflective Project

    A core component of the IB Career Program is the Reflective Project. The Reflective Project is a 3,000 word research-based essay completed over an extended period of time and submitted in students’ senior year. Through the Reflective Project students focus on an ethical dilemma of an issue directly linked to their IIT career pathway. Students will engage in high-level research, writing, and creativity. Students are also required to engage in ongoing reflection over the course of the Reflective Project.