- Atlantic Community High
- IB-International Baccalaureate
- School Counseling
School Counseling
IB Tips for Success: Check out these strategies for success in the IB Programme!
MYP Counselor Classroom Presentations:
9th grade fall (graduation requirements, GPA/HPA, MYP tips for success, study methods, college planning, managing stress)
10th grade fall (study methods, PSAT, college planning)
DP/CP Counselor Classroom Presentations:
11th grade fall (grades, graduation, PSAT, SAT, ACT, IB exams, Bright Futures, scholarships, college planning)
12th grade fall (grades, graduation, PSAT, SAT, ACT, IB exams, Bright Futures, scholarships, college planning/applications, specific college info)
Mental Health Resources:
Teen Line: Professionally trained teen counselors provide support to teens via phone, text, or email.
Tips To Help Teens Cope During COVID-19
Erika's Lighthouse: Promoting Positive Mental Health For Teens
ADAP Webinars for Parents