
  • Bobcat Band and Guard
    Band Handbook

    Director: Ms. Jenn Girdlestone
    Phone: (561) 338-1415
    Fax: (561) 338-1440

    Parents: Why Should You Get Involved with Band?
    Some people hesitate getting involved because they think their child will be embarrassed having them around. That is not true. Although they may tell you that, they really don’t mind. Being a band parent is a great opportunity to be involved in your child’s life. Here are some ways you can help out:

    • Chaperoning
    • Pit Crew: Help move equipment at football games and competitions
    • Organizing or sewing uniforms
    • Fundraising: Gift wrap Booth, Cheesecake Sales, Restaurant of the Month
    • Cavalcade Band Competition: Volunteers are needed for different booths, concession stands, set-up and tear-down, parking/security, hosting, volunteer check-in, and more
    • Website
    • Band Banquet
    • Photographer/Videographer
    • And many more! We can find a place for your expertise!

    Welcome to one of the most amazing band programs in our area! If you would like to get involved now, please contact our band booster president.

    Band Officers Descriptions

    Drum Majors and Captains: The drum majors and captains are the primary liaisons between the director and the band and should be respected as such in the director’s absence. They are expected to run sectionals, conduct ensembles (drum majors), make sure all jobs are taken care of, listen to ideas from all members, and aid in the strength of the band.  The drum majors and captains are also expected to help maintain the pace of the rehearsal and set the highest example for the rest of the members.

    Section Leaders: The section leaders set the example for everyone in their section. They make sure their section is prepared for every rehearsal and performance with music, instruments, drill, dotbooks, and uniforms.  They are also responsible for calling and rehearsing sectionals and should collaborate with other section leaders and a drum major/ captain to hold woodwind/brass/percussion sectionals.

    Operations Manager: The operations manager will be in charge of field lining, instrument inventory, props, long ranger, and assist with truck loading.  The operations manager is expected to be organized and if needed, oversee any students that help move equipment and make sure they stay on task.

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