- Boca Raton Community High
Students & Parents
Page Navigation
- Overview
- AP (Advanced Placement Program)
- Boca Raton High School Tours
- Choice & Career Academy Programs
- Choice and Career Options
- College and Career Center
- Course Selection
- Dual Enrollment
- Here Comes the Bus Information
- Parking Passes
- PTL (Permission to Leave)
- PTSA - Best North of the South Pole
- Student Clubs
- Tardy & Discipline Notifications
- Testing Corner
- Tutoring Options
What is Bobcat R.A.P.?
The purpose of Positive Behavior Support is designed to create a safe and positive climate to develop and support successful academic and social behaviors of the Boca Raton Community High School community
The main goal is to celebrate positive behavior by rewarding students with different incentives throughout the year.
School-wide PBS is a systems approach for establishing the social culture and individualized behavioral supports needed for schools to achieve both social and academic success for all students.