- Boca Raton Community High
- Tutoring Options
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Boca High Tutoring Options
Boca High has multiple avenues for tutoring.
Spanish Honor Society provides tutoring every Thursday during lunch. Blue lunch in Room 8-219 and Gold lunch in Room 4-209. FREE
Math Honor Society provides tutoring every Tuesday & Thursday during Blue lunch in Room 8-104 and Room 8-113 during Gold lunch. They also provide tutoring on Wednesdays in Room 8-127 at 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM, and on Thursdays in Room (4-302) from 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM.
Science National Honor Society provides tutoring every Wednesday afternoon between 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in Room 8-212. FREE
Boca High has teachers who offer tutoring services for a fee. List of Boca High Tutors