- Boca Raton Community High
- Parking Passes
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Parking Passes
Hardship Parking Passes
Hardship parking passes will be assigned to students based on the decisions of the parking committee. These are the guidelines for identifying students to whom parking passes will be awarded:
- 20 Community Service Hours
- 7 AICE Courses
- No out of school suspension or no more than 3 days in-school suspension
- No more than 20 absences for the 2024/2025 school year
After all of the above has been considered for the Senior class, the parking committee will then review Juniors with personal transportation needs due to a hardship.
Boca High Hardship Parking Pass Application
Shop Office Depot and Tell Them You Are From Boca High
For Questions: Please contact Boca Raton High School Parking Committee.