- Boca Raton Community High
- PTL (Permission to Leave)
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PTL (Permission to Leave)
Permission to Leave (PTL) - Taking a student out of school (doctor's appointment, etc)
A permission to leave (PTL) pass is required for a student to leave campus before the end of the day. PTL passes are available for students to leave for doctor's/dentist appointments and/or emergencies. Students must pick up their PTL from Student Services.
PTL Times
- PTLs will ONLY be given at:
9:20 AM
10:15 AM
1:31 PM
2:26 PM - No PTLs will be issued after 2:26 PM.
- No PTL's between 11:10 AM - 1:31 PM
In the event of an emergency, a parent/guardian can come into school to sign out their student between 11:10 AM - 1:31 PM. - No Dismissals after 2:26 PM
PTL Procedures
PTL How to get a Permission to Leave (PTL) pass:
- Call Boca High - (561) 338-1410
Must be made at least one hour prior to pick up time.
The call can only be made by parent/guardian listed on student's paperwork.
The call must be made from a phone number on file in the student's record.
Call the main number, choose #2 (Student Services), and tell them, "I would like to have my student (insert name here) have a PTL (Permission to Leave)." Or you may call Student Services directly at (561) 338-1410. Make sure to communicate with your student. -
- Students pick up PTL from Student Services at PTL time.
- Upon return to school, PTLs must be returned to Student Services for the absence to be excused.
Permission to Leave (PTL) - Exam Day Procedures
- All exam day PTLs must be called in or submitted in writing, to Student Services by a parent 24 hours in advance of the PTL time.
- No PTL will be processed on the day of the exam.
- No PTLs will be issued to release students from a test site during any testing time.
- Students must come to Student Services to pick up the PTL the morning of the PTL.
- No PTLs will be delivered to test sites and students will not be permitted to leave a test site to pick up a PTL.
- Upon return to school, PTLs must be returned to Student Services for the absence to be excused. The student must write their student number on the PTL.
- PTLs will ONLY be given at: