Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

  • Early Dismissal

    Students may be signed out early by a legal guardian on file. Students must be signed out NO LATER THAN 1:20 PM, or the student will be released during regularly scheduled dismissal. 

    Vehicles Entering the Campus
    Vehicles MUST enter the campus from Benoist Farms Rd. If arriving from Okeechobee Blvd, turn south onto Benoist Farms Rd. Proceed to the school entrance, which is on the right-hand side at the traffic light. If arriving from Belvedere Rd, turn North onto Benoist Farms Rd. Proceed to the school entrance, which is on the left-hand side at the traffic light. While driving on campus, please refrain from using a cellular device


    School gates open at 7:20 A.M. The cafeteria will begin serving breakfast at 7:20 A.M. All students report directly to the cafeteria. Any student arriving after 7:50 A.M. should be brought into the office to be signed in by the person dropping them off.

    Student Drop Off:

    Car Rider
    When you have entered the driveway, follow the drop-off/pick-up loop counter-clockwise. Drivers MAY NOT exit their cars. Students will be directed to their classrooms. Pre-K and Kindergarten students will be escorted to class by a safety patrol or staff member. Vehicles will exit campus onto Benoist Farms Rd.

    Students may enter the campus from the Benoist Farms road gate.


    Car Rider
    When you have entered the driveway, follow the drop-off/pick-up loop counter-clockwise. Drivers MAY NOT exit their cars. Students will be escorted and placed in the vehicles by a staff member.

    Students that walk home will be dismissed from the Benoist Farms road gate.

    The Duty of Student Supervision
    Under Florida Statute 1003.31, a student is deemed to be under the control of the instructional staff at a school for a "reasonable" time before and after school or a school-related activity. The statute further defines "a reasonable time" to be thirty minutes before or after the scheduled activity, including before and after school hours. Parents who fail to abide by the day to day supervision times, 7:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M., will be charged a child care fee of $5.00 every ten minutes.

    Inclement Weather Dismissal
    In the event of severe inclement weather, dismissal will be delayed until it is safe for the students and staff to move about outside.