Dress Code

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    We, at Forest Hill, are concerned about your academic achievement as well as your safety.  Generally, it is accepted that cleanliness, good grooming, and appropriate dress are necessary to reduce distraction, promote health and provide a productive learning atmosphere.  As such, extremes in dress and personal appearance, which tend to cause distractions or pose health problems, will not be tolerated at Forest Hill Community High School.  

    As a general rule, all styles of clothing designated for a specific non-school activity or designed to call undue attention to the wearer are not appropriate at school.  The following regulations set limits on what is permissible:

    • ALL students must wear lanyard/ clip with their school issued ID at ALL TIMES.
    • Polo style or t-shirts with sleeves are required.  Approved FHCHS t-shirts are allowed. (This does not include P.E. t-shirts).  Undershirts are NOT to be longer than the school shirt.  Please note: when wearing jackets or sweaters you MUST have an appropriate school shirt underneath your jacket or sweater.  No sleeveless shirts or see-through fabrics will be permitted.  College attire is allowed especially on SDPBC AVID College Wear Wednesdays.
    • Pants, shorts, capris, and jeans must be worn at the natural waistline.  Dresses, shorts and skirts (no shorter than mid thigh length) are also acceptable. 
      Please NOTE the following:
      • Undergarments should not be showing.
      • Spandex pants/shorts are allowed. 
      • See-through designs are not allowed.
      • Jeans or pants with frays/ rips/ holes are permitted.  Holes/ rips / frays that expose skin should not come higher than a students’ mid-thigh and may not expose undergarments.  Please note that holes/ rips/ frays will be at the discretion of the Principal and/ or Principal’s designee.  
    • Closed toe shoes are recommended, such as sneakers, boat shoes, or ballet flats.  Please note that bare feet and house slippers are NOT ALLOWED.  Shoes with cleats or abrasive soles that may cause damage to school property are NOT PERMITTED.
    • Sweatbands, hair rollers, curlers, picks, bandanas, hats, hoods or other head coverings or headgear are NOT PERMITTED. 
    • Clothing, jewelry or buttons with words, phrases, symbols, styles, pictures, or insignia which are obscene, profane, suggestive, racist, religiously or sexually offensive, related to drugs or alcohol uses, depict violence, or gang related are PROHIBITED.  Items that deface or alter national emblems or pose a safety hazard are also inappropriate (ex. Large heavy metal rings, chains, wristbands, headbands, or belts with studs.
    • Inappropriate exposure of the body is not allowed (examples: no bare shoulders, no dropped bare midriff, no bare backs, sides or chests). Thus jackets or sweaters cannot be worn to cover inappropriate exposure or clothing.