ESE Information

  • Exceptional Student Education 

    The School District of Palm Beach County serves approximately 40,006 students identified as eligible for Exceptional Student Education (ESE); this includes 9,252 students identified as gifted. Eligible students with disabilities are provided services from birth through age 22. ESE services are available at all public school sites throughout the district. The School District of Palm Beach County is committed to providing exceptional students a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in accordance with federal, state, and local mandates. In keeping with this philosophy, the School District:  

    • Provides every exceptional student with an appropriate individualized education program (IEP)
    • Offers exceptional student services that are available to every other student
    • Provides placement alternatives that enable students to be educated in the least restrictive environment.
    • Encourages the participation of parents in the educational process
    • Ensures the right to due process and equal protection under the law

    District ESE Website