Health Screenings

  • Health Screenings

    Students in the 9th grade will have their vision and hearing screened unless the parent has previously indicated the student will not participate in screenings while at school. Parents will be notified in writing if the student requires follow-up after the screening has been completed.

    Health treatments and records are highly confidential and will only be shared with appropriate school personnel. In case of emergency, essential health information will be shared with emergency responders.


    A certificate of Immunization (DH 680) indicating compliance with the current required schedule of immunizations must be present prior to enrollment in school. Required immunizations for high school are DTP/DTaP/DT series, Polio (OPV/IPV) series, MMR-2 doses, Hepatitis B series and Td booster after 11 years of age. If a student has met the 7th-grade requirements, no new immunizations are required for high school entry.

    A physical examination is required for all students new to the district. A new physical is not required if a student is transferring  the school district from middle school to high school.