- Freedom Shores Elementary
- Spanish Dual Language
Choice Program
Spanish Dual Language
Spanish Dual Language Programs, also known as "Two-Way Immersion" programs, allow students to develop proficiency in two languages by receiving content area instruction in both English and Spanish. Students, regardless of native language proficiency, are provided with ample exposure to both languages, allowing them to achieve academic excellence while becoming bilingual and biliterate. The program also emphasizes cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Due to the rigor of Dual Language Programs after grade 1, applicants must receive an eligible score on a fluency exam to determine eligibility. Students entering a Spanish Dual Language Program for the first time in grades 2-5 must pass a fluency exam to determine eligibility prior to being made eligible for the Choice lottery.
What is a Dual Language program?
In Palm Beach County our Dual Language programs are also known as Two-Way Immersion programs. In this model, Students are exposed to academic Standards Based Instruction in both languages. At FSE, Science is taught exclusively in Spanish, Math is taught in English and Language Arts/Social Studies standards are divided and taught in both English and Spanish . The two languages are kept separate at all times during instruction (50% in each language). Our students are expected to meet or exceed grade level proficiency in all subject areas .
Our classes are comprised of 50% Native English Speakers and 50% Native Spanish Speakers. This allows Students to be exposed to native language of both languages on a daily basis. When students walk into their English or Spanish classes respectively, they are fully immersed in the target language.
The goal of the program is for Students to become fully bilingual and biliterate by developing high levels of proficiency and literacy in both English and Spanish.
Why enroll your child in a Dual Language program?
Our Dual Language program at FSE is an enrichment program where students are both challenged academically through an advanced curriculum, and they also gain an added layer of positive cultural competence.
Research has shown that when students learn more than one language, their brains are programmed differently. The most notable benefit is accelerated cognitive development in both languages. Knowledge and language is transferred across the two languages in an additive model such as ours.
Graduates of Dual Language programs have proven to consistently outperform their monolingual peers and achieve higher levels of proficiency on standardized state assessments.
In addition, you can be assured that our teachers are up to date in the latest teaching practices and second language acquisition strategies.
Today, learning a second language is considered necessary to better meet the demands of our Global Society and the best time to start learning is right now.
How do I enroll my child in the Dual Language program at FSE?
If your child is a native English speaker, due to the academic rigor of our program , he/she must enter the program no later than first grade.
Please contact the school’s administration to inquire about available seats.
What is my role as a Parent of a DL student? What if I don’t speak Spanish?
Just like with any other enrichment program, your role is an important one. Parent participation and support is key to your child’s success.
It is not necessary for parents to speak the second language. By showing interest, verifying homework completion, reading in both languages at home, and keeping close communication with your child’s teachers you will be providing the commitment needed for your child’s success. Having a positive attitude and showing enthusias for the program are also essential.
For the program to be most effective, research indicates that it takes 5 to 7 years to learn a second language. It is expected that students enter the program in kindergarten and remain through fifth grade.