Preparing for Each Grade Level

  • Each grade level at HLJ adds to the next. Here are some recommendations when preparing for the next grade level:

    First Grade

    • Reading for longer periods of time, 30 minutes
    • Tell and retell stories
    • Basic Sight words
    • Have conversations about reading
    • Identify colors, shapes and sizes
    • Master numbers 1 to 20

    Second Grade 

    • Reading for longer periods of time, 20-30 minutes
    • Practice neat handwriting
    • Working independently
    • Write a story with a beginning, middle, and end
    • Write sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation
    • Have conversations about reading and learning
    • Understand place value –ones, tens, hundreds
    • Fluently know addition and subtraction fact families and how to use them in equations and word problems.
    • Know how to tie their own shoes
    • Practice organizational skills
    • Practice writing first and last name
    • Know that there are 5 fingers on one hand/counting on from 5
    • Encourage a daily journal to respond to reading

    Third Grade

    • Reading for longer periods of time, 30-45 minutes
    • Write a story with a beginning, middle, and end
    • Write sentences with proper capitalization, structure, and penmanship
    • Have conversations about reading and learning
    • Understand place value up to the thousands
    • Master multiplication and division within 100
    • Recognize fractions
    • Fluently know addition and subtraction fact families and how to use them in equations and two-step word problems.

    Fourth Grade

    • Reading for longer periods of time, 45-60 minutes
    • Write a more complex essay with an introduction, 3 supports, and conclusion
    • Write sentences with correct punctuation at the end
    • Have conversations about reading and learning
    • Understand place value up to the thousands
    • Master multiplication 1-10’s
    • Recognize fractions
    • Understanding of quadrilaterals

    Fifth Grade

    • Reading for longer periods of time to build stamina, 30-45 minutes
    • Keep a journal to write daily thoughts and reflections, remembering to write in complete sentences using proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and clear penmanship
    • Have daily conversations about reading, learning, and daily activities
    • Master all math facts, especially multiplication