- H. L. Johnson Elementary
- Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information
HLJ's Arrival and Dismissal Map
H.L. Johnson takes traffic safety very seriously. It is up to everyone in our community to keep our children safe.In our school zone, when flashers are blinking, stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk or intersection and look before turning into driveways or roads for our students. Always stop for the School Resource Officer, a staff member helping, and a crossing guard holding a stop sign. Take extra care to look out for children in school zones, near playgrounds and parks, and in all residential areas.
Even when lights aren’t flashing, watch for children around school arrival and dismissal times, particularly in the morning or mid-afternoon. Be alert as you back out of a driveway, or drive through a neighborhood, school zone, or bus stop.Walker/Biker Safety:
All bicycle riders and passengers under age 16 are required by Florida Law to wear a helmet.
Always wear a properly fitted helmet and securely fasten the strap.
Wear appropriate shoes (such as sneakers).
Get off your bike and walk at all intersections and crosswalks.
Look both ways when crossing streets and driveways.
Bus Safety:
If you are driving, remember these simple rules:
Yellow flashing lights on a school bus mean slow down — don’t speed up — because the bus is preparing to stop. Most likely, students are waiting to get on the bus or parents are waiting nearby to pick up children.
Red flashing lights mean stop — and wait for at least 20 feet behind the bus — because children are getting on or off the school bus. Stay stopped until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop-arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving.
Parents, talk to your child about bus safety — your child should arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Teach them to play it SAFE:
Stay five steps away from the curb.
Always wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the bus driver signals for you to board.
Face forward after finding a seat on the bus.
Exit the bus after it stops and looks left-right-left for cars before crossing a street.
Car Safety:
Stay in your car, be alert, pay attention to anyone helping with traffic, and when the car in front of you moves, you move. Keeping the flow of traffic moving will keep the parent drop-off and pick-up lines from impeding the traffic flow on public roads feeding into our school. Make sure when you pull into the school's main entrance, you have your child ready to exit the car. Say your goodbyes, kiss or hug each other, then have your child get their backpack on. When you get to the drop-off area, please stop completely, have your child open the door and get out, remind your child to close the door, and look to ensure they are a safe distance away from the car to start driving to the exit.
Patience is a virtue.
Even if you do everything right, there is always a chance that another parent is having an off day. If that is the case, take a deep breath and patiently wait your turn. We are all doing our best, but most importantly, we want your child to arrive as safely as possible at HLJ.
Tardy/Running Late (approximately 8:00 a.m. - 8:10 a.m.) Procedure A:
We have implemented the following procedure to ensure a smooth and efficient process for handling tardiness. We kindly ask for your cooperation and adherence to these guidelines:
- Remain in Your Vehicle: Upon arriving at the school campus, please remain in your vehicle.
- Drive to the Main Office: Proceed to the designated drop-off zone nearest to the main office. Follow the designated traffic flow pattern to ensure safety for all.
- Child Exits Car: After coming to a complete stop, your child may step out of the vehicle and proceed directly to the main office. You will see a staff member at the main office door to welcome your child into school. Again, the parent (driver) will remain in their vehicle for the safety and efficiency of the process; we kindly ask that parents remain in their vehicles and watch them enter through the main office door where the staff member is located.
- Child Enters School: Your child will enter the main office, and office staff will scan/enter the child's arrival and escort the child to class.
- Parent Exit: After your child has safely walked in, you may proceed to exit the drop-off zone and continue with your day.
*The procedure will be decided depending on the circumstances of traffic. If a staff member is at the Main Office Door, then Tardy/Running Late Procedure A will be in effect. If there is no staff member at the Main Office Door, then Tardy/Running Late Procedure B will be in effect.
After 8:30 a.m.Tardy/Running Late Procedure B:
- Park your car in the Designated Drop-off Zone nearest to the Main Office: Once you have parked in the designated drop-off zone, please use the provided intercom/camera to show your ID and notify the office staff of your child's arrival.
- Office Staff Assistance: A member of our office staff will promptly assist you. They will gather necessary information, such as your child's name and reason for the tardiness. The office staff will open the door for students, and once your child has entered the Main Office, our office staff will guide them through the tardy scan/sign-in process and ensure they are escorted to class. Only the child will enter the office.
- Parent Exit: After your child has safely walked into the Main Office, the parent/driver will proceed back to the car, exit the drop-off zone, and continue with your day.
Please note that this procedure is designed to prioritize the safety and well-being of all students, parents, and staff while maintaining efficient school operations. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated.