Other Letters of Recommendation

  • What other Letters of Recommendation are there?

    • Though most applicants do not submit more letters than what is required, some colleges allow students to send additional recommendations beyond the required counselor or teacher letters. The application systems refer to these letter writers as Other Recommenders.
    • Other colleges receive so many applications that extra recommendations are not accepted unless something substantial is added to your application.

    Tip #1:

    Tip #2:

    • Make sure you request your letter of recommendation at least one month before you need it.


  • What is an Other Recommender? What are some examples?

  • Are letters from Other Recommenders accepted/required by most colleges?

  • How do I know if my colleges accept letters from Other Recommenders?

  • What are good reasons for sending a letter from an Other Recommender?

  • When should I not send a letter from an Other Recommender?

  • My college requires my counselor letter in paper format. What does the counseling office need from me?

  • None of my schools require letters from other recommenders, but I have one who would write a letter for me. Should I ask them to write one anyway?

  • What is a peer recommendation letter? Why do some colleges accept them? Whom should I ask?

  • Why do some colleges accept recommendation letters from a parent or guardian? What should my parent write about?

  • What is the deadline for Other Recommender letter submission?

  • How and when should I ask my Other Recommender for a letter?

  • What materials should I obtain from and give to my Other Recommender?

  • How does my Other Recommender submit the letter?

  • How can I tell if my recommender has submitted their letter? Will I be able to read the letter once my other recommender uploads it to my application system?

  • How do I know if my college has received the Other Recommender's Letter?