AP Advanced Placement

  • ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM- The Advanced Placement Program administered by the College Board provides qualified students with the opportunity to take college level courses on the high school campus. These courses, taught by high school teachers, include stringent college level curriculum experiences and culminate in a standardized examination.  

    Students who demonstrate the required level of proficiency on the examination may be eligible for college credit in that particular subject area. Eligible students are identified based on PSAT/SAT/ACT scores, grade point average, teacher recommendation and readiness to engage in post-secondary academic work. Student applications are required prior to the course selection process. The examination fees are paid by the School District of Palm Beach County, provided the student is enrolled in the course and takes all portions of the exam.

    **Note: Students are required to take the standardized Advanced Placement exam in order to receive weighted academic credit. If the student does not take the exam, then honors level credit will be assigned and students will be responsible for the examination fee.

  • AP Capstone Diploma Guidelines

  • AP Courses Offered at PV

  • University Course Credit Equivalencies

  • AP Exams Transcripts