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Michelle Martin, Ed.S. Biography & Presentation

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Michelle R. Martin, Ed.S., is a rural Mississippi native and graduate of Mississippi State University with a degree in Theatre communication.  After a career of performing as an artist in residency around the country, she opted to continue her studies at Mississippi University for Women where she earned her Master's of Education in Gifted Studies. Michelle recently earned her Specialist in Education in Educational Leadership from Florida State University.  With over a decade of service to gifted students in the state of Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, and Vermont, Michelle has dedicated her career to shining a light on undiscovered gifted and talented students in rural and urban communities.  Her passion for gifted education has afforded her opportunities to speak nationally as a voice of advocacy for gifted students of color as well as English Language Learners (ELL).  Michelle currently serves as the School District of Palm Beach County’s Gifted Program Planner and is a proud wife and Girl Mom.

Pathways to Gifted: Understanding the Gifted Identification Process for ELLs
This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the gifted identification process from referral to eligibility.