- Omni Middle
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Tutor List
Tutor: Subjects - Contact Information
Antoni, Michael: Math 6th - 570-460-3825
Bloom, Spencer: Math 6th & 8th Algebra and Geometry - 561-212-6306
Coll-Sabo, Vivian: Science and Language - 561-389-6529
Donahue, Charles: Fitness & Nutrition, Golf and Tennis - 954-224-5502
Mayerchak, Joseph: Math, Language Arts - 561-239-8571
Fimiani, Phyllis: Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies - 561-789-0987
Goldberg, Jennifer: Language Arts - 561-445-1285
Kaminer, Gil: Language Arts, Reading, Writing - 914-843-4901
Kranitz, Lisa: Language Arts and Reading - 561-376-5889
Daley Scott: Math & Science 6th-8th - 617-820-8533
Ocano, Mary Patrice: 6th Grade Language Arts - 561-702-5691
Potter, Marie: Math 6th-8thth - 954-292-9552
Sanchez, Diana: Math 6th – 8th - 561-376-0521
Swan, Brett: Social Studies - 561-503-3530