Dismissal Procedures

  • The school day ends at 2:05 p.m. A speed limit of 10 mph is imposed on campus. The use of cell phones in our carline is prohibited. If you choose to pick your child up as a car rider, you will remain in your car and follow our dismissal loop. Each car will need to display their unique Blue Lake dismissal tag, in order for us to release your child. (Extra tags are available in our main office.) Should you forget your tag, or someone else picks up your child and does not have one, you will be required to park and come to our main office to show identification. 

    Car Riders - Exit campus when their car number is called and will come out the main doors. 
    Walkers/Bikers - Exit campus using Military Trail exit. 
    Bus Riders - Exit campus through the main corridor doors leading to the bus loop.

    Students leaving the school grounds before dismissal must be signed out in the office by a parent/guardian or other person(s) identified on the student registration. Staff personnel may request identification and password before releasing a student. Except for emergencies, students will not be released after 1:30 p.m.